Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Thank you all for your well wishes. There is no media coverage about our fight for rezoning, or the criminal charges against the commissioner. They did a pretty good job at covering it all up. When I threatened the township with a lawsuit they agreed to change my zoning as requested.
There were a total of 15 properties that were rezoned with mine totalling 312 acres which would average 20.8 acres per parcel.

As others mentioned, common sense prevailed.

Thank you for all of your support :)
Sounds like you've been dealing with a lot of funny business there. Somebody there at the commissioner's office should be strung up by their toenails for cooking up that hair brained scheme.
What a difference a day makes.
Yesterday at this time I was in a t-shirt working on the Jeep; cleaning the coop; raking the yard; re-filling the duck pool; trimming roses and other chores. When I went to bed the outside temperature was still 47.

Today sees snow frozen to the windows on all 4 sides of the house. Back door frozen shut. Drifting snow and a temp of 27. Only the ducks came out of the coop. Looks like inside chores for today. Or a nap.
What a difference a day makes.
Yesterday at this time I was in a t-shirt working on the Jeep; cleaning the coop; raking the yard; re-filling the duck pool; trimming roses and other chores. When I went to bed the outside temperature was still 47.

Today sees snow frozen to the windows on all 4 sides of the house. Back door frozen shut. Drifting snow and a temp of 27. Only the ducks came out of the coop. Looks like inside chores for today. Or a nap.
Yeah. I'm glad I finally cleaned my driveway yesterday with the back blade and plow. We had that 4 inches of slush/snow/ice and now it's nice and smooth with 4 inches of fresh snow. Still have not used the snowblower this season. Unreal...
Back door frozen shut.

Moisture problems - sounds like a lack of ventilation
Yeah. I'm glad I finally cleaned my driveway yesterday with the back blade and plow. We had that 4 inches of slush/snow/ice and now it's nice and smooth with 4 inches of fresh snow. Still have not used the snowblower this season. Unreal...
Moisture problems - sounds like a lack of ventilation
No need for a snow blower here. Barely enough to use the shovel after all was said and done. The ground still hasn't frozen yet.

Back storm door had an icicle formed over it. I powered through it and escaped.

Forgot to mention...One of the eggs from today had a bullseye. So I suppose at least 1 rooster and hen have figured things out.
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No need for a snow blower here. Barely enough to use the shovel after all was said and done. The ground still hasn't frozen yet.

Back storm door had an icicle formed over it. I powered through it and escaped.

Forgot to mention...One of the eggs from today had a bullseye. So I suppose at least 1 rooster and hen have figured things out.
If nothing more, its a fun way to keep warm for them.

Was a whole lot of nopes this morning when I opened the door up. I think I even had a "not for all of the mealworms in China" as well.
I was a bad chicken mom yesterday. We had lots of snow and so since the birds didn't really want to be out I closed them up early. Well I missed one. We have an old garage up on blocks, no doors or windows but full of bracing that the chickens like to roost in and dig in the dirt under it. There was a hen in there that I saw this morning as I was letting everyone out. She had iced up feathers standing on one leg so I brought her in to check her out. So far her feet look ok but she does have some frostbite on her comb and wattles. She is one that hates to be handled so as long as her feet look ok I will put her back outside. I used to do a head count at night for each coop but I have too many birds that like to switch coops on me. I need a clicker counter.
What a difference a day makes.
Yesterday at this time I was in a t-shirt working on the Jeep; cleaning the coop; raking the yard; re-filling the duck pool; trimming roses and other chores. When I went to bed the outside temperature was still 47.

Today sees snow frozen to the windows on all 4 sides of the house. Back door frozen shut. Drifting snow and a temp of 27. Only the ducks came out of the coop. Looks like inside chores for today. Or a nap.
Nap sounds good, or just watch a movie :)

Moisture problems - sounds like a lack of ventilation

Hi, Jorey

Cold here today 12 not much snow, still went for our walk, dog,DH and I. dirt roads are a bit icy. .....main st. are better, now that the salt trucks have been out.

I am jealous of those of you that are getting eggs. I may put some light in my coop next week

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