Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Just wanted to stop in and say "Hi" to everyone. It's been a few years since I've been on the site. We moved from 45 acres to three "lots", didn't think we'd miss our girls, or have the room. But we did, and have found the room
Picked up some new girls a few weeks ago at the West Branch TSC, I'm so excited to have some girls around again!
Welcome back! Today I lost it at TSC, and came home with six silver laced Wyandotte chicks! Not smart, but they are cute, and I couldn't resist. The brooder is up and running with Freedom Rangers the same age, so it's not as though I added trouble, right? Next week I can start saving eggs for hatching; white Chanteclers and Belgian d'Uccles. Onward! Mary
I'm very sorry to hear about your loss!

The thought of predators getting my chickens will keep me up at night so I'm wondering if a 2' rat wall, and patio blocks at the base around the whole perimeter will keep my chicken safe??
I have a fox living close by, along with raccoons and every other small predators in the book, I can't take any chances so if there is something else I can do, I'm open to suggestions
Hardwear cloth, hardwear cloth everywhere!!!!
Past Chickenstocks have tried to keep out the Riff-Raff. But I got in any way.

Chickenstock (CS17) is like a family reunion except the people there are people you like. Food is abundant and freely shared. However it is a nice gesture to bring your specialty to share. There is electricity in the pavilion so you can bring a crock-pot or hot-plate if need be. In addition to the gift-trade thing, several people also bring plants to trade. Usually we have a lot of birds available plus rabbits or other small animals. A couple of times goats or sheep were traded but they were arranged prior to the picnic. Those trades were arranged beforehand via private messages between the parties involved. But the rest of us got to ooh and aah over them.

CS is kid-friendly and there are playground toys to play on.

And there may be a talent show or dance contest.
You forgot to mention the annual chicken chase event. Somebody is bringing a big fishing net this year right??

Welcome back! Today I lost it at TSC, and came home with six silver laced Wyandotte chicks! Not smart, but they are cute, and I couldn't resist. The brooder is up and running with Freedom Rangers the same age, so it's not as though I added trouble, right? Next week I can start saving eggs for hatching; white Chanteclers and Belgian d'Uccles. Onward! Mary
Was at FFH on sunday, We were both tempted to get more, but right now with us at the apartment it would be a pain in the butt to keep an eye on them at the farm, and I'm pretty sure our landlord would not want us to set up a brooder in here.
Hi everyone! I'm fairly new here, but I've been creeping the forum for quite a while.
We've had our chicks for about 4 weeks now (in our basement) but I was finally approved by Frankfort's planning commission last night to have chickens! (Yeah I jumped the gun and got them and built the coop before 'officially being approved, but I didn't see any reason why they would tell me no!) We're the first people inside Frankfort city limits to have chickens and since I'm right on the city limit I can have up to 12 hens! I only have 5 right now, but eventually, when my husband is back in the states we plan on building a bigger coop and getting more. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have questions as time goes on. I had peacocks when I was a kid but I'm new to chickens!
Hi everyone! I'm fairly new here, but I've been creeping the forum for quite a while.
We've had our chicks for about 4 weeks now (in our basement) but I was finally approved by Frankfort's planning commission last night to have chickens! (Yeah I jumped the gun and got them and built the coop before 'officially being approved, but I didn't see any reason why they would tell me no!) We're the first people inside Frankfort city limits to have chickens and since I'm right on the city limit I can have up to 12 hens! I only have 5 right now, but eventually, when my husband is back in the states we plan on building a bigger coop and getting more. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have questions as time goes on. I had peacocks when I was a kid but I'm new to chickens!
Hi everyone! I'm fairly new here, but I've been creeping the forum for quite a while.
We've had our chicks for about 4 weeks now (in our basement) but I was finally approved by Frankfort's planning commission last night to have chickens! (Yeah I jumped the gun and got them and built the coop before 'officially being approved, but I didn't see any reason why they would tell me no!) We're the first people inside Frankfort city limits to have chickens and since I'm right on the city limit I can have up to 12 hens! I only have 5 right now, but eventually, when my husband is back in the states we plan on building a bigger coop and getting more. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have questions as time goes on. I had peacocks when I was a kid but I'm new to chickens!
Hello and welcome!

I too only had chickens for just a few weeks and they are in my basement while we're building
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Hi everyone! I'm fairly new here, but I've been creeping the forum for quite a while.
We've had our chicks for about 4 weeks now (in our basement) but I was finally approved by Frankfort's planning commission last night to have chickens! (Yeah I jumped the gun and got them and built the coop before 'officially being approved, but I didn't see any reason why they would tell me no!) We're the first people inside Frankfort city limits to have chickens and since I'm right on the city limit I can have up to 12 hens! I only have 5 right now, but eventually, when my husband is back in the states we plan on building a bigger coop and getting more. Anyway, I'm sure I'll have questions as time goes on. I had peacocks when I was a kid but I'm new to chickens!
Welcome to BYC!!! We're glad you joined our flock!

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