Michigan Thread - all are welcome!

Since me and my chickens got drunk,lol

Hey, heard about a poultry farm worker who got bird flu in Kalamazoo.

Got two of those live traps and put poison in them hopes they eat it and die in there. It has window but put a cover so girls do not see them and try to peck the plastic window,lol

Dealing with a broody australop Ebony. When I get her out, the rest come to brat her up and I have to chase them away,lol
I saw a YouTube gardening video. The subject was voles, but I think it would work for mice. Let me see if I can find the exact spot, and show you - so you don't have to watch the whole thing. Stand by...

Vole Extermination 32:40 minute mark
Well I got quite a bit done yesterday, as the rain did not set in until during the night (raining ever since).

Pulled the snowblower and attached the brush hog/mower to the tractor. I had several stands of mustard that I wanted to cut down before it went to seed. While turning an old hay pile from peeled round bales I saw the biggest Vole ever - it was the size of a chipmunk! :eek: And I saw a Monarch butterfly, which I have Never seen so early.

The apple trees are in bloom, and some of the lilacs are just starting, also early. Daffodils and Tulips are just about done. Bleeding Heart is in full bloom.

Planted my flower pots for the patio.

Lost a hen yesterday, she had been progressively lethargic with a big soft belly. I'm thinking yolk issue.

Hopefully have eggs hatching later this week, probably my last hatch for the year. I should be hatching some standard layers, but only have bantam roosters so it will be littles or nothing.

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