Micro Farm Coop Worklog [UPDATE: SHINGLES ON - PAGE 27]

I vote skylights! I can't wait to see it finished, it's gonna be cute.
Windwhistlefarm: No more than normal, no..
As for permits.. From my understanding the building is small enough not to require any and if it does.. well.. I'll just find out down the road.

It's a really lax county as far as permits go. I've got a few contractor friends who basically told me that unless I'm doing major structural changes to the living space or large buildings not to worry about it.

Besides, this is built sturdier than any of the prefab sheds sold all over the place around here.. Well.. Maybe not the Mennonites buildings.. They do really good work.

Man, I'm so torn between trying out my skylight idea and doing a dormer.. More I think of it, I may just do both. As is there are no windows on the east side to catch the sunrise. Just the one window on the south side for winter and the two larger windows on the west side... Well.. And the door itself on the north side.

I've seen a dormer with a cupola before and it looked fine to me, so long as the cupola is smaller it shouldn't be an issue ascetically. Not like it's cupola overkill.. Now this barn is a bit much for me..
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Here's a building with a dormer and cupola. Though this dormer is for a second story door. The dormer I'd do would be more understated.


Where as this is what it would look like with just the cupola.. Well.. Kinda.. This is 12x14.


I could always build the cupola and put it in place to see how it looks before making the vent opening.

So many choices.
Nice Job!!! Wish we had the room to build a small barn structure!! I agree with the last post....Dormer for sure. Can't wait to see the end result!!
Great thread, can't believe it took me this long to find it.
I vote dormer, and you could put a window in it instead of vents or door.

Did you say you were going to build a garden shed next? Is it just a shed or will you use it as a greenhouse too? That would be the place to put skylights!

It looks great, you are doing a fantastic job!!!
And your "biker chick"" she is a Polish? Is she a more specific typename of Polish? I'm new to chicken breed names, there are so many! I'm just use to saying "the red one", "the black and white one" etc....

Love all the pictures!! Keep 'um coming!!
I love everything you've done so far! Thanks for posting so many pictures - it's so nice to be able to see what other people are coming up with for their coops.

How big is your cupola going to be? I wish we could do one on our coop, but it's going to have a slanted shed roof instead.

I know it'd be twice the work, but have you considered 2 small dormers, so you get light from both directions and cross ventilation? If you do skylights, would they be able to open, or are you just wanting them for more light?

I'd vote for dormer, personally, as long as it's not too big and doesn't make the roof look off-balance with the cupola.
Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil :

Did you say you were going to build a garden shed next? Is it just a shed or will you use it as a greenhouse too? That would be the place to put skylights!

It will just be a shed with an attached port for the mower. The greenhouse will be a separate structure. I've already got a 5'x5' window off Freecycle for it, but will be collecting windows from here and there for a while, no doubt.

Cheep a'lil Talk a'lil :

And your "biker chick"" she is a Polish? Is she a more specific typename of Polish? I'm new to chicken breed names, there are so many!

She is a Golden Laced Polish. Was a chance purchase I picked up from the "Mixed easter egg pullets" bin.. Didn't have a clue what she was until she started growing out feathers, then I pinned it down.

The cupola will be roughly 2' square, not counting the four pitch roof. It will be made up of two louvered doors I have on hand and is pretty much just for a ventilation stack.

I'd considered that, and still am. As far as the skylight, I'd built it so that it could be opened up to allow air flow as well, but all things considered a 4 square foot hole from the cupola will give more air flow than a cracked open skylight.

I'm thinking of making the dormers 3' across and about 2' high until the roof pitch starts.

I'll have to sketch up plans for both and look at them side by side to see how to best do each, then will figure out how to proceed with the majority opinion.​

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