Middle of beak doesn't touch!?!


In the Brooder
10 Years
Apr 13, 2009
I have a two week old chick who has seemed to be getting pushed around at the feeder and becoming more shy and reserved. I took her out and examined her closely and found her beak does not completely close. It's not crossed but the middle of the top and bottom do not touch. Could this be causing the problem? Should I file the ends a bit?
If the BEAK is straight. (Not crossed) I would file the two ends until it all comes together.
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The middle, as in the side? I have a chick who has that problem. Well, she's 7 weeks now so she's not very chick-like.

Like that? She's had this since she was hatched, I don't know if her mom did it to her when she pecked her ear (bad momma), or if she was just like this. She's been healthy though. I'm not sure about the filing, but I haven't had chickens for very long at all.
The picture pretty much captures it. I did some minor filing and she is scratching around more now but still doesn't seem too interested in the feeder, though she does drink. She used to be very curious but now she is always in the corner, with other chickens, and while sweet when held doesn't jump up or crane her neck to see me like she used too. I guess I will keep watching her and maybe file more tomorrow. She just seems to have gone down hill over the past three days
Thanks for weighing in.
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