Midget white housing?


6 Years
Apr 7, 2018
Central Texas
I’m new to all poultry. I have several midget white poults in a brooder now, and I want to build their shelter. Long term goal is free-ranging during day, protected at night (predators are coyotes, bobcats,and standard raccoons, etc). I’ve read that turkeys maybe don’t need full coop? What are the space recommendations for coops for MW? Is wing clipping recommended until they’re too heavy to fly? TIA. I’ve read so many posts, but few on MW. Trying to learn all I can, as fast as I can!
I had 9 MWs that I kept in a "hoop" style movable enclosure, 10x12, with roosts. They would free range all day, then I would close them in at night, release them in the morning. They knew where to be at night...but sometimes needed some mild herding. Worked great for 4-5 months, until I got lazy and stopped enforcing coop night ritual. They started roosting on fences...until the coyotes came by and pulled them down. I loved those MWs (very friendly, would always come to check out whatever I was doing, even hung around the horses in the pasture). I went without turkeys for four years, I now have some Narragansett that stay in a movable coop at night...I pledged to stay vigilant with their night routine this time.
I had 9 MWs that I kept in a "hoop" style movable enclosure, 10x12, with roosts. They would free range all day, then I would close them in at night, release them in the morning. They knew where to be at night...but sometimes needed some mild herding. Worked great for 4-5 months, until I got lazy and stopped enforcing coop night ritual. They started roosting on fences...until the coyotes came by and pulled them down. I loved those MWs (very friendly, would always come to check out whatever I was doing, even hung around the horses in the pasture). I went without turkeys for four years, I now have some Narragansett that stay in a movable coop at night...I pledged to stay vigilant with their night routine this time.

Thanks so much! I bought a few more, so have 11 poults now. I’m going to build an 8x16 shelter for nights. I’ll remember your experience when I want to get lazy about putting them up! We have coyotes and bobcats... I hope you have nothing but great experience with your new turkeys. I’m already loving the MW personality!

In the upper right corner you can see what I used for the MWs

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