Might I have a roo?


12 Years
Jun 9, 2007
Central Ohio
Okay, I have to post some pictures since I've noticed some differences between my two Dominiques. The only thing alike between the two of them are their bratty personalities!

One of the Doms is larger than the other, has a MUCH longer tail, and also has a little comb starting to show. I couldn't get a really close picture of it.

The other Dom is smaller, has only a tiny puff of tail feathers, and has absolutely no comb visible.

Both are 4 weeks old.

Here are pictures of Zipper, the bigger Dom:



And here's Bossy Daisy, the smaller dom...you can see an immediate difference in tail feathers:



Okay, let me know what you think!!

Quick addition: you'll notice Ruby, my BO, in a pic with Zipper. Her tail feathers are pretty long, but not nearly as long as Zipper's...hers are also kind of "fluffy" while Zipper's are sort of streamlined.

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There was a thread about a short or late-blooming tail meaning a rooster, but with no comb too -- well it kind of cancels our guessing out!

Maybe a more experienced person can figure it out. I'm in the same boat as you -- trying to figure out what the differences between chicks means, if anything...
Too soon to tell. Only time will give you the right answer. I know I was on pins and needles the first 3 months of my babies' growth wondering and watching. Give it some time. When you see an egg or hear someone crow, only then will you know for sure!
Well, I'll guess.....but they are kinda young to tell for sure. But if they grow anything like my BR I would have to say that Zipper is a roo.
It's still a bit early. But often with the barred varieties the males look lighter overall, and that does seem to be the case here -but they need to get some more time under them to be sure.
That really depends. I've had some crow at 4 weeks old, but my Ameraucana cockerel, who is now 12 weeks old, hasnt opened his mouth to even try it. Right now, both your babies look like pullets, but it's hard to tell unless one is much lighter than the other one. Even then, they can fool you.
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