Milk Goat Udders


6 Years
Jan 5, 2016
So goat people. I'm curious about something... When I browse various websites where people are bragging about their girls, they show pictures of udders that are HUGE. They seem to drop below the knees and are so wide the "poor girl" is bow-legged.

My questions is... is that normal? Wait. A better way of putting it is, is that how the doe looks every time she gets up on the milking stand or does the owner do something special for a one time picture and on normal days the udders look more like something I find on my goats?

With a few exceptions, like when a heavy producing doe is just fresh, that it is not how the goat looks normally at regular milking time. Those does are uddered up for show and that is when the pictures are taken. That means the udder is allowed to fill to capacity. Sometimes there is as much as 18 hours of milk in those udders.
Goats only have one udder, unless they are really weird. They are all shaped differently though. Too deep of an udder is actually a fault that I cull for. My girls can't drag their teats around in the woods.
With a few exceptions, like when a heavy producing doe is just fresh, that it is not how the goat looks normally at regular milking time. Those does are uddered up for show and that is when the pictures are taken. That means the udder is allowed to fill to capacity. Sometimes there is as much as 18 hours of milk in those udders.
Not that I'd ever want to do this since I'm not showing, but if I wanted to compare my doe to some "standard" I would skip a day and a half of milking? That's actually good to know. I was starting to feel sad for my girls.
Not that I'd ever want to do this since I'm not showing, but if I wanted to compare my doe to some "standard" I would skip a day and a half of milking? That's actually good to know. I was starting to feel sad for my girls.
A day and a half? I am not sure what you mean.

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