Mini Homestead Goat? Let's discuss goat breeds.

I would also agree with your choice of Nigerian Dwarves. Probably because that is the breed I settled on after doing much research. Originally I wanted a Nubian, then a mini-nubian but they were hard to find and since I don't need tons of milk I found that Nigerians would work for me.

Some people say that to get say a gallon of milk a day, you might need 2 or 3 nigerians where you could get that from one full-sized dairy goat. But If you have 1 goat you need at least 2 goats and Nigerians are easier to keep and cheaper to feed than 2 or 3 full-sized goats.

As for the noise, that is part of what turned me off to Nubians but now i find that some of my Nigerians are pretty noisy. I have one wether that is particularly needy and when he sees me or wants to be let out, he makes a lot of noise and he is the catalyst that starts all the other goats. But he was noisy even when I picked him up from the breeder. Where as my other Nigerians never made a peep when I got them. So the noise level can vary but I think you might be able to determine how noisy a particular goat may be just by hanging around them for a little bit.
No matter what breed of goat you get, I would get at least 2. One will be too lonely. They are social. I have Nigerians because I didn't need a ton of milk and I have a smaller space. My goats are loud when they know it is feeding time and I'm not moving fast enough. Most of the time they aren't bad. Once in a while they are loud.
Edited to add this great link for woman who was searching for the perfect milk/meat goat:

my search for my first goats that will be pets, brush eaters, and then maybe milk later - I have been doing A LOT of reading, visiting the local fairs, joined Backyard Herds, talking to breeders in my area.

For milk and/or meat 1st, small to medium size, great pets, easy care, eat less - I came to the conclusion that the Kinders are best for all of the above 2nd by the Nigerian Dwarfs.
After a lot of research, we settled on Kinders. I have to say that I am more than pleased with my two girls. We get 4 to 6 lbs per day of sweet creamy milk from each girl, they are a dual purpose goat (which I doubt we'll ever do!) and my two are so sweet. My one girl does talk quite a bit, but its only when she sees me. They are really quite attached and try to crawl under the gate to get to me. Its funny sometimes, and they bring me a lot of joy.

As far as breeding, we are getting our girls AI'ed later this fall so I will not have to worry about interbreeding. We are going with a Zederkamm buck and I hope and pray that we get does! DH has already said that whatever they have stay - he's not a goat lover by any means but these two have won his heart. They are very sweet and stand well for milking even though they are first fresheners. I can't wait to add to my herd!!

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