Minimum temp for 9 week old chicken?

You'll get conflicting messages. Some say if they're feathered out, they're good to go, no heat needed. Others will tell you they will need supplemental heat for their first winter (that would be MY camp). My five are 11 weeks now. Two weeks ago, I was using a heat lamp on nights that dropped into the low 40s. Now I'm using a heat lamp at night when it drops into the low to mid 30s. I'm slowly weaning them away...

If it's only ONE chick(en), the likelihood of needing heat will increase, because she/he won't have the benefit of huddling w/buddies.....???
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I would say in Florida they're fine now. I have 2 9-week olds that have been without heat for several weeks now. We've had a few dips in mid-30's. They roost with my big girls, so there is a little extra heat.

Unless they're a delicate breed, or not feathered yet, you should be fine.
I have a brooder wire cage, out on the carport with a red heat lamp
250 watt. its holding 6 silkies and 3 ameraucanas,
And I do cover them with a heavy blanket.
they will be 3 months old (Dec26)
I intend to keep the heat lamp
on as I did with my others.
also I have 2 yr ols Cochins 7 in a wood coop with a heat lamp
it keeps the water from freezing.
68* temp in wood coop and
51 * in Wire brooder cage.
I would think the temp for your 9 week olds depends
on the type if coop you have them in. to
protect them from the elements.
Ihope this helps.
I have 4 9 week olds that have been outside for a week now. We're in central TX and had a 2 night dip to 25 this last week. They're fine. Just have a little hutch or something they can climb into at night.
My birds were off their heat lamp at 5 1/2 weeks old, in mid-May with nighttime temps. still dipping into the 40s and 50s. IMO, 9 week old chicks in a draft free coop do not need supplemental heat and you're not doing them any favors by giving it. They'll acclimate and do just fine in any kind of weather.
My 6 week old chicks lived in a solid sided coop and lost their heat lamp in the PNW when it was still in the 30's and 40's. They probably will be just fine, especially in a warm climate.
My 9wk old RIR's have not had any heat now for a little over 2wks. They are doing fine even with the temps dropping to 32 on a couple of occasions. If it is very windy, I do close the ventilation in the coop off at night until the next morning. I do have a small light in there right now so they can see how to eat after dark. In the next few weeks I will wean them off of the light as their nightly appetite decreases.

Hummm- I see (clear as mud)- here are pictures of them, I hope to take better pictures tomorrow for the WBOGIS forum. Its going to be in the 70s for the next couple weeks anyway.

and a picture of bennie cuz he's cool.






You'll get conflicting responses because it depends on the chickens and it depends on how they were raised. If you raise them in the house kept at 70 and then put them outside at 50 there's a good chance one will die. If you raise them in an outbuilding under a heat lamp from the time they hatch and lower it steadily they could be at 40F by then. If they are raised by a hen they will adjust even faster to outdoor temperatures. Heavier fluffier breeds and in my experience standards compared to bantams will do better in lower temps both sooner and overall. Also if you feed a higher protein feed they will feather faster and better making them more durable to the cold sooner. Mine feathered much faster using 22% gamebird feed this year compared the 18% chick starter I used last year.

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