MInk wars


In the Brooder
6 Years
Apr 22, 2013
I was out in the yard and my chickens were out. I heard my rooster raising heck. A mink was running after him! 2 o'clock in the afternoon, broad daylight!! The rooster ran right to me and I yelled at it (what else am I suppose to do!?). It stopped and looked at me like "what are you doing here?" slowly turned and walked back to the creek. Stopped once or twice and looked back at me. BOLD right!

So, I've heard these thing are pretty crafty. How do I trap one? I keep picturing the weasel on Loony Toons. He was just like that only brownish red, and I didnt actually see drool. He was making that sound though Im pretty sure. Jerk.

I had a few hens killed in the coop last fall. Beheaded and left. Pretty sure it was the same thing.
I don't know where Greentown is but this kind of setup will work in most small streams with sufficient water depths. Don't forget to secure your trap and box against floods and high water.

There is likely a special fur harvest license and closed season where you live. Check with the DNR before you begin. Do NOT ask your local game warden. While most game wardens are reasonable people, every once in a while you will run into one who is behind on his monthly quota of tickets, and he or she may see you as a good opportunity to catch up on their ticket writing. SSS is the word. Besides, at this time of year mink aren’t worth skinning

This type of setup will also work on dry land. You can also make this set in natural wet and in dry land based cubby holes. At best mink are semi-aquatic and you do not need to be close to water for a mink to visit your chicken coop…. over, and over, and over again.

A single barrel 20 gage shotgun loaded with #8 bird shot will also win any mink wars that you may be called on to fight.

The best thing about a mink box is that if it is floating in water it will almost exclusively catch minks.
The bad thing is that this set is easily seen and stolen by pain in the tush tree huggers.
I have live traps that size. Too slick for those? I would have to file a complaint with the DNR. DNR would contract a nuisance control person to trap it legally. All of my and nieghbors chickens could be dead by then. Frustrating.
Look at the video again. There is a Victor brand Conobar #110 or #120 killer trap set right inside the box's opening. Any mink that pokes its 'widdle' head into the box to get at the bait is going to be a goner for sure. Even if he survives having his neck snapped he will drown for sure.

The bait end of the box floats, but since the open or trap end of the box is below the water's surface there is not much likely hood of ever catching anything but a mink. There is also a dog proof coon trap that catches almost nothing but coons and it holds them securely for you to deal with as you see fit. However if you do decide to release a coon from a DP coon trap, please post a link here so everyone can watch. Some may enjoy the laugh.
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I took the guts out of a live trap leaving the wire "box". I put it in the stream so the bait, or closed end is above water and the open end is mostly under the water. I made for of a funnel into the box with some stick stuck through the holes so the mink cant go around the #110. (i have a few of those plus some of the coon traps were they stick thier front foot in out of curiosity and it traps thier foot, i think this is the DP trap you speak of, and no the only coon im taking out of one of those is a dead one). Thats all I had laying around. I think a 120 would be a better fit. I baited it with a can of smoked oyster with holes punched in it (again, its all i had to work with, i didnt want to run into town). We will see. I hope its a dumb mink. My buddy has some bigger conibears i can borrow, and i can build a few of those boxes, and put them into the pond and creek.

I checked out the video and tried to make that trap out of what I had. Thanks for the link.
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