Minorca thread!

I received one cockerel of the White Minorca and the rest are pullets. My question is that the cockerel, although already quite tall and handsome, has a crooked toe. Would he pass this on when used to breed?
One crooked toe is more indicative of an occurance in hatching rather than anything genetic. If he was all you have then I would certainly use him. That is just me though..
One crooked toe is more indicative of an occurance in hatching rather than anything genetic. If he was all you have then I would certainly use him. That is just me though..
Okay, thanks. I was shocked to end up with just one male out of the entire group of chicks, which is a good thing as they were sold straight run, but quite another if I don't have a rooster to use for breeding.
Crooked toes are often an incubation/hatching issue and if that is the case it is alright to breed from them.Another cause can be inbreeding too close and even then by using less related or new blood , crooked toed birds can be used.If environment,they can be used for breeding,just correct the cause to avoid more of it. Since they are rare (White Minorcas) try using them,but be on the look out for a good unrelated male somewhere.
Would love to see some photos of the buff Minorcas, still don´t believe they still exist.
Dont believe they exist?! They have been in the American Standard for over a century.

Look thru the thread there are pictures of some good ones raised by Tom Roebuck here in a America.

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