Minorca thread!

There is a good chance you may have Blue Andalusians but Minorcas are also a possibility.
There is a breeder here in the US who is working on LF Blue Minorcas but I also know none of his stock has left his farm as well so they cannot be his.
He is in year two of the project and the birds look very good I think.
I should have mentioned im in the UK, i think the blue LF might be slightly less rare here, they're definitely minorcas as they are from the same hatch as the blacks (probably a blue hen in with the breeding birds) - if we have a blue rooster, we will probably keep him and use him to black hens, as finding a different blood line of blues would be a nightmare i imagine! Anyone on here got any photos of their blues?
Sorry about missing last week, I was moving into the new place. (2 acres!) Here's the girl in their new diggs, they are still scared shitless of me, but it doesn't seem to be impeding their growth. :p
I just wanted to update on my small Buff Minorca flock. I have three cockerels and three pullets now. Two of the cockerels have wonderful sickle feathers and the third cockerel has yet to grow in his sickles but has the darker buff shoulders and some saddle feathers- I actually thought he was a pullet for a long while. I was extremely pleased, since I was regretting only holding back two cockerels.

The pullets are all about the same in appearance - nice uniform buff color. I cannot tell them apart.

The body shape of all of them (males and females) is long and thin, and they move quickly through the field. Just as a reminder I bought these from McMurray. I think I will try to hatch out some chicks next year.

I am VERY pleased with this breed. This is just what I was looking for, as the Buff Orpingtons are just so heavy and I prefer a more streamlined bird but love the color Buff. I prefer white eggs, to boot.

They are all running in a flock of about 30 large fowl and when I enter the coop the pullets leap around me to jump out of the coop. The cockerels are calmer. My flock has the most stunning turquoise tint to the earlobes. I find that attractive.

Do anyone else's Minorcas have a turquoise tint to the earlobes?

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