Minorca thread!

@ TeaChick

Awww. The wait is horrible, but understandable at this time. My new girls won't be here until April.
I would be like
waiting that long!!!
I hope it goes quickly for you!!! =)
My hens are all molting. They should begin laying here within a month (if it doesn't get too cold). I have a set of pullets that I hope will start laying around Christmas.
I looked hard.  I'll keep trying to find different ways to search and let you know if I come up with anything. =)
YW; I'd like to see them myself, maybe even get some. ;)
I know what you mean. We do not have any white birds and this is the only one that I would even consider. I love Minorcas! Unless I find one that just absolutely fascinates me.
I found a breeder directory for breeders in Ireland:
I searched by breed and that's the list that comes up when you click on Minorca

The Poultry Club of Great Britain: http://www.poultryclub.org/breed-gallery/page/category/chickens/
has breed-specific clubs: http://www.poultryclub.org/poultry/breed-clubs/
Here's the link for just the Minorca club, but there's a little more info on the breed clubs page, the name and a little contact info for the leader of the club, etc.: http://www.poultryclub.org/minorcaclub/

Here's the most promising one I've found so far: http://www.poultryshowcentral.com/Minorcas.html

I hope these help. I have school work I have to get started on. LMK if you come up with anything, okay?

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