Minorca thread!

Hatching egg update..... 3 chicks hatched
Put my 30-some chicks out in their pen outside and they are doing well. I had separated my minorca roo from all my hens to give them a chance to grow their feathers back. His son is in there now and he is too much of a shy boy to try anything....except on my white EE who seems to be the ditzy one of my group.
Anyway, I put my minorca roo w/ all the chicks to see how he would do and he is such a good babysitter. Although he does look at me from time to time as if to say, "Your kidding me right?" Here is a pic I took, sorry it is so grainy, I took it w/ my phone. You can get the idea. He looks so funny being such a big guy among the little ones. Some of them even run up to him w/ their neck feathers up and run up to him like he would really feel threatened.

Here is a pic of one of 8 Minorca chicks I just hatched. Cute little buggers. They do come out small though, compared to the sussex and Am I hatched them with. I also have a cock and 2 hens, pics to follow. This is a great breed.
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Revised chick update. It looks like I have two chicks....from what we can tell one male and one female......a start

Both chicks have nice size especially the young male.....
Yea! Great to hear.

I have two minorca eggs in the bator that are due to hatch next week along w/ some Barred rock/Minorca, Easter Egger/Minorca. Cant wait to see what i get. So far they are all looking alive and well. Hope things go well.
Well my first minorca egg just hatched. It is a cross between my buff minorca roo and my black minorca hen. Not what I thought it would look like from previous posts from this thread. Here is a pic. It appears to be a light color w/ some buff mixed in there. I will know more as it dries.

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