Miracle the Chicken


7 Years
Apr 23, 2012
Cape Cod, Massachusetts
I was doing a 'diary' for Ella, until she decided to fear me. I don't know why she does, but she just doesn't like me anymore. It's really hard to do stories on unfriendly chickens
So, hope you enjoy Miracle's stories. :)

Miracle had always been smaller than the rest, the reason unknown. When she arrived at a small feed store/farm, she was put in a large brooder with other chicks. She was picked on, but somehow made it to pullet-hood. Once she was 5 weeks old, she was put out with the larger chickens. There were turkeys, other chickens, geese, ducks, everything! It was like a dream; until the pecking started. Then, it was like just another day of dodging and hiding. She was almost chosen by a human, but the little Light Brahma was adopted instead. Would she ever find a home?

A few long days later, the human came back again. Miracle was quite curious; She ran up to the fence to see what was going on. The farmer came up behind her and grabbed her, and she flapped and screeched, until she was placed into the warm hands of the smaller human. Then she calmed down, falling asleep in the human's hands. Little did Miracle know, her life was about to change forever. She was placed into another dark box, and it was a long, bumpy time, but they finally arrived at a smaller farm, which Miracle now calls home.

At first, Miracle was unsure of her new surroundings. Then she spotted the perfect hiding place; a huge pile of old brush and wood. She ran there as fast as lightning. It was dark inside, and Miracle chirped for her human to come find her. The human was searching, crying, and digging for what seemed like hours. Miracle finally found her way out, and Malibu grabbed her and hugged her. It was truly a miracle that she got out; Hence Miracle's name.

After that scary event, she was placed with her coopmate... which happened to be the Light Brahma. The Light Brahma had been named 'Ella'. Ella taught Mir about all the best places for food, that the human brought food and cuddles, and that life was good here. Miracle was happy, and so was Ella. Ella began to fear the human, and is no longer friendly. The human thinks this is because she hates being separated from Miracle. If you hold Miracle, Ella freaks out. If you hold Ella, Mir chirps this special chirp that saddens even the happiest person.

Now that we have the whole 'how this whole thing started' part done, let's move on to more recent things.

Lately, there has been this hawk nesting in the backyard. So the humans got a plastic owl... Miracle HATES this owl. The human had set Miracle next to the owl to grab Ella, and when she turns around, she can't find Miracle. Well, after a few minutes of searching, she found Miracle. She was half way across the yard, doing the predator call and staring at the owl. If it can scare a chicken that badly, it should be able to scare a hawk away, hopefully.

And just because I know people like pictures...


(this photo was taken a few seconds before she flew away)
I like your writing!
I've been meaning to do something like this with my chickens but I've been go busy, so in the meantime I'll read yours!
Miracle is so cute, what breed is she?
Actually, an Easter Egger is a Amaricauna/Arucana cross. I think Mir. is an Americana.

Not to confuse you but yes, that's exactly what an Easter Egger is. However, most hatcheries mislabel them as Americana's, making newbies think they are. Pure Ameraucana's are very hard to come by; you can only get them from real breeders, and they come in standard colors. Easter Eggers come in a gourgeous mishmash of colors; they can be anything, like Mir. I have an Easter Egger that looks just like her

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