
They look like they are trying to find a way to take a swing at that strange chicken
I'm going to watch them and see their reactions, I certainly don't want any harm to come to them. I'm thinking that the response to a mirror might depend on the chicken that's looking. If any one of them starts pecking aggressively at the reflection or seems uneasy about it, down it comes. My hope is they ignore it mostly and look at it in curiosity at times.
I took the mirror down. My white EE was charging up to it, obviously to challenge that strange chicken. It was kind of funny because I could swear some of them were looking behind the mirror to see if any chickens were there.
Thanks for all the advice and info. This is a great place to come for it!
Old thread I know but i tried hanging a mirror today and my girl at the top pf the pecking order caught onw glimpse if herself thought there was a new chicken in town and threw an epic fit.

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