Miss "I want to be broody, sometimes"


Flock Mistress
10 Years
Apr 14, 2009
Benton (Saline County) AR
I have a BO (technically still a pullet, will be a year old in October) who went "broody" but ended up eating half the eggs and quitting around day 16.
I noticed that her comb is tiny and pink, but she's not sick acting. Tonight she was on the nest again

Why can't I get a GOOD broody????????

Me thinks I'm going to put hardware cloth in the bottom of my "hospital crate" dog crate.....
I really don't want her to be broody, after her last attempt.
She has been running around the yard like normal, but with a tiny pink comb. I don't think she's laying. She must have the broody "bug" even if she's not good at it

Desperate is right I guess

Never had a broody. Not sure I want one at this point. I feel your pain though. Chickens can be maddening at times.
I love my broody hen. She is a d'Uccle and she is wonderful. She went broody about 3 1/2 weeks ago. She wanted to sit so bad, everytime one of my other hens would lay, she would sit on the new eggs and leave the old ones behind. At first I tried to break her which did not work so I gave in. I put a little cage in one of my boxes and put about 7 eggs in it. She has been there ever since. Next Saturday is the day. It's funny b/c none of the eggs she is sitting on are hers however she guards them with her life. She puffs up to twice her size whn another hen or I get near her. I am so happy for her.
I've got 7...sure you don't want one?

With 13 brahma hens in the coop, laying every day in this heat.
, eleven layer chicks in the brooder on the porch (plus two cockerels) and the layers are sharing their space with 19 rescued broiler chicks?
Only a madwoman would want a broody right now. I'm slightly twisted, half insane, but haven't gone over the edge...yet.
I was in your shoes once, then this year ( year number 3 for us having chickens) all hell went loose and I have 6 hens broody at one time and fighting and boy do I mean fighting over 4 nests to claim the eggs the other hens are laying! And I have soooommmmeee big mean hens when it comes to broody hens! Give it some time and the fever will hit! Good luck!

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