Missing Chicken


Jan 3, 2019
I am fairly new to Chickens ... the girls all free range by day and coop by night. This week between 3-4pm something killed one chicken (lots of feathers) and another is missing not a single feather from that chicken could be found. Other two are safe and sound and don't seem to bothered that the other two are not there! Wondering if she got lost when she ran or been taken - any thought or advice? I would be surprised if a fox or similar as there was a lot of activity around just prior to 3pm (ours dogs, kids etc.).
I'm sorry that you lost some hens! :hugs The likeliest answer to me is that she ran and hid when the first hen was killed and once it was dark a predator killed her. If she had simply been hiding, she would have come back to the coop by now. Whenever my free range hens have to hide from a predator (usually a dog) they always come back to their coop within 4 hours.
I dunno, foxes are quite smart. It could have been off in the distance waiting. Maybe when the fox saw its' opportunity, it took it? I've lost a hen in the afternoon to a fox as well back when I used to free range them.
As for the missing hen, I think she would have returned by now, unless she went super far away to hide, which is unlikely. As Aryetheral Waalburgus said, something probably got her before she was able to return. Maybe search around the area and see if you can find feathers from your missing girl so you know for sure?
When a stray rooster showed here a while back, he was on his own for months. By the time he made it to my property he was already spotted at several others. Every night he would roost in the tree and every night I checked on him multiple times. He did this for over a month, then made his home across the way. I didn't get a lot of sleep, lots of predators around here.

Hoping for the best!!
Thank you for your replies. Despite lots of searching not a single feather anywhere and she wasnt found. Down to 2 chickens considering getting some more maybe.
Free ranging is like that. You go quite awhile with no problems then BAM! Something finds out you are offering a free lunch, easy to catch, a critter with zero defences. Then every other day or so guarentee it will come back for another meal. Its alot easier to catch a chicken than a rabbit.
You have been found. Coop and run your remaining hens up securley.
You might get away with some supervised free ranging.
Get a guardian dog?
Electric fenceing?
I am sorry for the loss of your birds. I to have lost many a pet chicken to preditors. Just when you think "now that i have done this or that my birds are safe"
Along comes another chicken eating critter that finds another flaw with my setup.
Its a never ending battle.

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