Missing duck

Oh I'm so very sorry you lost Thelma

I hope you can get a pal for Louie.

Oh no! Poor you and Louie. But now what will happen to Louie? He'll need a companion won't he?
I'm sorry for your loss.
Sorry or your loss.
I lost all my mallards in one night to a mink last October.

They were INDOORS, in a garage and in PENS and they still got killed. My chickens did not. Probably because of the difference in sleeping habits.
Louie hangs with the flock of chickens, but I would sure like to get him another lady friend of his own breed.

Right now I have 3 call ducklings in a brooder, no idea of their gender yet, and I would like to keep them but my land-lady already made me get rid of four call ducks I hatched. She doesn't care for ducks - but she loves Louie and has been worried about not seeing Thelma around, too - and the call ducks will be so much smaller than Louie. Although he did fine with the four, even sort of taught them ducky things. But I think it would be best for him to have another lady duck his size. I'll see what I can do about that, eventually.

I might be able to sneak a call duck drake .... since they don't make the noise the females do. (That's what busted me with the other four - one drake and 3 very noisy little girls.)
I'm so sorry to hear about Thelma
I lost my Daisy in a similar way in January, It's heart breaking because she left her sister behind.

I know it is probably difficult to think about now, but you need to get Louie a new friend asap. When Daisy died, her sister went downhill very rapidly - she lost lots of weight and was very lethargic, reserved and quiet. Once I got her a new friend, she perked up within a couple of weeks. She still gets upset about it sometimes - I can tell, so I go over and we have a cuddle and she nuzzles her head in my arm, then she cheers up.

Please keep us updated on Louie and any new friends!
im sorry.foxes usually pick of one by one so make sure the birds are inclosed so the preds. dont think of your flock as a fast food place. I hope you find her!
So sorry for your loss. I am planning on getting my first ducks soon and I think I have decided on cayuga and pekin. I don't let my chickens free range because of the pool and the highway,because they can fly,but want to have my new ducks free range. I so worry about hawks around here. Will a hawk attack a full grown duck?

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