Missing mallard?


May 16, 2020
Birmingham, AL
Although I have ducks at home, there is a friendly pair of mallards at a lake we go to, which we feed and see almost every day (it is a large lake and they are wild ducks,) but when we came back after a couple of weeks, the male mallard was gone for a few days, and then reappeared yesterday, although it looked a bit different. It was not eating, and they are usually camped out on a floating mat we have on the water, but only the female was there today. Is anything wrong with the guy? I’m not sure if that is just how mallards act, or if he’s not doing well.
It could be a different mallard with a different mate
I know that the hen is the same, because she has a chipped bill, but I wasn’t sure if another male would be willing to swim up to people so comfortably. Also not many ducks live in this area of the lake, because they like to hang out near restaurants in different areas. It definitely is possible though. (And here’s a picture of the two of them!)
A qui
They are gorgeous!
A quick update: I believe the male is different, because when he was up close you can tell he has a whole different pattern compared to the other, his brown chest feathers were multi colored and you could see each individual feather, and the green section of his head wasn’t completely green (like this so I think he is in transition) https://images.app.goo.gl/N3aY1sPYr1XWRdgo8

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