Missing neck feathers


6 Years
Sep 12, 2013
One of my older chicks (maybe 8-9 weeks...I got her several weeks ago) is the scrawniest looking thing ever. Her chick neck feathers came out but her big ones aren't coming in. She has an area that's totally down to skin on the underside of her neck and both sides are just black shafts. The rest of her feathers aren't the prettiest either. She's very healthy otherwise. Very alert and active, eats a lot, drinks, catches bugs when she's out in the yard. She's the smallest of my three but not one is picking on her and I watch them CONSTANTLY. Even at night, I check on them in the roost. She and the Orpington sometimes get into those "chest bump" challenges, but no one messes with her head. I don't even see her scratching. The run is kept dusted with DE and I can't find mites or lice or eggs and she's pretty good about taking her dust baths. What could be causing this neck baldness?? I'll try to post a pic.



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