Mister or Misses?


In the Brooder
5 Years
Oct 5, 2014
OMG I'm so grateful for this thread!!! Guesses?


5/6 weeks. Breed and gender guesses?


5/6 weeks. Breed and gender guesses?


SLW, 8 weeks... Pullet?


Light Brahma, 8 weeks... Pullet?
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OMG I'm so grateful for this thread!!! Guesses?

Could be any number of black breeds: Australorp, Sex-link, Orpington, etc. You should get a better idea of breed as they get older. As for gender, it is too young to be sure, but I don't see any cockerel traits yet.

5/6 weeks. Breed and gender guesses?

Does it have puffy cheeks? If so, it looks like a Blue Ameraucana or Easter Egger. Otherwise, I would guess Blue Andalusian. It is too young to tell gender for sure, but once again, I don't see any cockerel traits yet.

5/6 weeks. Breed and gender guesses?

I'm leaning towards cockerel based on the beginnings of wattle development/redness. Wyandottes can be tricky to sex until they're older, though.

SLW, 8 weeks... Pullet?

Looks like a pullet for now.

Light Brahma, 8 weeks... Pullet?

Are those pictures at the ages stated? Those birds look quite a bit younger than the ages. Are you keeping them overly warm, maybe inhibiting feather growth? Here are some of mine at 5ish weeks...

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Maybe they told me they were older than they were when I bought them?

They're still in the brooder with a heat lamp, but the two older ones are getting quite tall
first two look like a chocolate something....hen and roo. the second could be a lavender or some coloration of an Americana. id say your right on with the SLW and the light brahmas. good luck! post updates!

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