Misters for the run

We did decide to put PVC pipe misters in the run (2 heads) in the corner. I could only watch them for a few hours before we had to leave. We were away for one night and we had the misters as low as possible running for about 28 hours. Temp over 104 degrees at its hottest.
Returning, the sandy floor was very damp but there were no puddles. Before we left, I noticed that most of the chickens stayed out of the mist but our two Austlorps would run in and out and I saw our largest Buff Orpington stay longer an than shake herself off.
Now I notice that when the misters run 6 hours straight during our hottest hours that it makes an area where the sand gets damp. By about 7 PM. I am cleaning the run. The top sand drys quickly so I dig up the moist sand. I see the girls run over and start to scratch and all enjoy laying on the cool sand. I know the misters have help them keep cooler.

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