Mite help please!


May 24, 2024
Hello everyone. This is my first time posting, so please bear with me, I haven’t been on a forum for years!!!
I have had chickens for 9 years, a varying mix, but at the present have 2 bantams. I have had red mites in the past, and knew what they were instantly, but for a few months we have had what I believe to be northern fowl mite. They are dramatically reduced after using DE and a spray called AniForte mite stop, but I cannot get rid of them. I don’t want to use too much DE, as I believe that it can disrupt the respiratory system? They are both on the chickens, and in the coop, and are biting me too.
Not long before I discovered them, I had treated with Harkamectin (pigeon ivermectin) as a routine worm treatment, but that obviously didn’t kill them, unless of course the infestation occurred just afterwards.
I am loathed to use harsh chemicals, and would like to go as natural as possible, but I am stuck on what to do. I have heard of Permethrin, but I have no idea where to source it, and I believe sulphur can help, but the only sulphur I ever use is homeopathic….
So if anyone in the UK can help me on where to source something natural that works, I would be ever so grateful!
I will attach a video of said mites, but bear in mind it is MASSIVELY magnified, I was zoomed on as much as I could go. In reality they are like tiny black specks, that are quite hard to see.
Please help🙏🏻

PS I have just tried to upload the video, but don’t think I can! Have added a photo instead, but it’s not great, sorry!


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Get some permethrin spray or concentration. Completely empty the coop and clean it well then spray all surfaces with the permethrin spray paying particular attention to nooks and crannies where mites hide during the day. Burn or bag and dispose of all the old bedding thenn rebed with fresh bedding. Then treat the bird by spraying down to the skin under each wing, in the fluff under the vent, on the chest and on the back.

Repeat all of the above again in 7 days to kill all the mites that will hatch from the eggs that were not kill by the first spraying.

If you have a particularly bad infestation, you may want to do a third treatment 7 days after the second treatment.

Good luck... and welcome to BYC!
Get some permethrin spray or concentration. Completely empty the coop and clean it well then spray all surfaces with the permethrin spray paying particular attention to nooks and crannies where mites hide during the day. Burn or bag and dispose of all the old bedding thenn rebed with fresh bedding. Then treat the bird by spraying down to the skin under each wing, in the fluff under the vent, on the chest and on the back.

Repeat all of the above again in 7 days to kill all the mites that will hatch from the eggs that were not kill by the first spraying.

If you have a particularly bad infestation, you may want to do a third treatment 7 days after the second treatment.

Good luck... and welcome to BYC!
Many thanks, I am going to try this :)
Get some permethrin spray or concentration. Completely empty the coop and clean it well then spray all surfaces with the permethrin spray paying particular attention to nooks and crannies where mites hide during the day. Burn or bag and dispose of all the old bedding thenn rebed with fresh bedding. Then treat the bird by spraying down to the skin under each wing, in the fluff under the vent, on the chest and on the back.

Repeat all of the above again in 7 days to kill all the mites that will hatch from the eggs that were not kill by the first spraying.

If you have a particularly bad infestation, you may want to do a third treatment 7 days after the second treatment.

Good luck... and welcome to BYC!
Can anyone tell me how to use ivermectin pour on? I have 70 girls and don’t want to dip or spray whole bodies. Syringe it on neck? Amount?

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