Mites 😫 help!

I been throwing that everywhere!

this kills me I have 50 birds right now till I sort them out! I been giving them dust baths with de!

Are there other bugs crawling on your birds?

The permethrin you much of it are you mixing with water?
You can mix it and use to spray on the birds too.

DE is worthless for lice and or mites on birds or in your coop.
The only think it could be good for is grain mites in a dry feed bag.
I can’t get rid of these it’s stressing me out what should I do? I been spraying with Pyrethrin. Ever see these guys before? I just cleaned out my coop will do it again in a week… run is my problem :(

Looks like they could be grain mites!
If that's what they are - you will find them congregated around the food source. We once had them hatch out of a bag of old scratch grains. What we did to get rid of them was throw out of all of the infested food, cleaned all of containers out well and left them in the sun to dry, and then sprayed everything else down with permethrin. When we bought new food, we kept it stored somewhere else for a while. I think the key to getting rid of them was eradicating their food source(s).
I agree with @kcan2 , it looks like they are grain mites.

Looks like there's feed/scratch/corn scattered under the bucket? Shovel all that up, give it a good clean up underneath, get any feed/scratch/food that's on the ground shoveled up and removed. Spray with your permethrin.
For the bucket, go house it down and wash it with some warm soapy water.
Let it dry, then wipe the outside of it down with your Permethrin spray.
The mites are likely coming from the ground where the feed is spilled because this looks like a water bucket to me is that right?

Feed that is older and/or stored improperly can have these critters in it.
Look inside your feed bucket or bag - you'll likely see them - move that bucket or bag away from any other feeds or they will just spread. I've dealt with them before, while not pleasant, they won't infest your birds, these bugs feed on your feed. Any bucket you empty that has had them in it, clean it really well with warm soapy water and let it dry in the sun for several days. Make sure the clean the lid too!
I agree with @kcan2 , it looks like they are grain mites.

Looks like there's feed/scratch/corn scattered under the bucket? Shovel all that up, give it a good clean up underneath, get any feed/scratch/food that's on the ground shoveled up and removed. Spray with your permethrin.
For the bucket, go house it down and wash it with some warm soapy water.
Let it dry, then wipe the outside of it down with your Permethrin spray.
The mites are likely coming from the ground where the feed is spilled because this looks like a water bucket to me is that right?

Feed that is older and/or stored improperly can have these critters in it.
Look inside your feed bucket or bag - you'll likely see them - move that bucket or bag away from any other feeds or they will just spread. I've dealt with them before, while not pleasant, they won't infest your birds, these bugs feed on your feed. Any bucket you empty that has had them in it, clean it really well with warm soapy water and let it dry in the sun for several days. Make sure the clean the lid too!
I have been giving my birds a good look over and I do not see any on them… I guess of all the mites these are not the worst just major pain in the ass!

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