Mites or Lice?


14 Years
Jun 6, 2009
St Pauls, NC
I check my chickens frequently for anything abnormal and other than being thin, I've never noticed anything.. I went into the coop about a week ago and noticed what looked like white dust on one of my production red hens.. I thought it was strange so I looked at my rooster who has much darker feathers and saw the same thing.. Then I saw them MOVING!!! There is nothing on their skin that I can see and looks good, legs look fine, but these tiny little white critters are all over them!! I'm sure they got them from the wild birds that like to eat with them but are they lice or feather mites?

They are white, can only be seen on the chickens feathers at night with a flashlight (If I look for them, i can see them during the day but they hide under the feathers) and move pretty slow.. I had to sit there and stare at them to actually see them moving!! I keep finding contradictory information so I can't figure out the best way to deal with it..

I'm on a very strict budget ($57) so I am trying to find the best and cheapest way to deal with the problem.. I know Dawn dish detergent kills fleas so I'm wondering if it will take care of mites if this is what I have.. I can wash the coops out really well with that but I can't imagine bathing ALL of the chickens so I know I will need something like a spray or powder.. I have DE and it didn't seem to phase these little critters so I will use it as a preventative once I get rid of them...

ANY information would be appreciated!

That's where I am getting confused... I have looked over all of them and lifted their feathers under their wings, vent, behind their neck, etc and have not found one single egg yet they are covered in these tiny little white bugs.. Whatever they are, they are the size of the tip of a pin.. they are REALLY tiny but there are millions of them!!! I figured if they were lice, they would be a little bigger and I would definitely see eggs.. Nope! No eggs.. Just raggety looking feathers and these THINGS!

I bought some baby silkies once that had mites and lice. The lice were teeny tiny white specks. Possibly they have not laid eggs yet but I would be dusting for sure. First come the lice and then come the eggs!
Besides cleaning the coops thoroughly and dusting the chickens with seven, is there anything else I should do to rid them of these nasty things?

Can I use Seven spray or just stick with the powder?

Can I use seven dust on the floor of the coop and use adams flea & tick spray on the chickens?

If no, how do I dust them all?

I need to know the easiest way to go about this since it's going to be one big task...

Put the Sevin in a pillow case and put the chickens inside, leaving their head out or just pick each one up and powder, pay specical attention under wings etc. I sprinkle Sevin in the coop, I have gravel floors, and in the dust bath. I've never had lice or mites but I use the Sevin as a preventive, along with dried lemon balm, peppermint, spearmint crumbled in the bedding and nesting.
ROFL!! I'm sitting here trying to imagine getting each chicken into a pillow case!!
I'm sorry but even though my chickens are somewhat tame, they aren't the type to jump in my lap looking for lovins either..

I have learned that dusting them during the day is not advisable since it scares the living daylights out of them.. If I do it at night when they are roosting, it's not as bad and I don't have chickens running for their lives.. LOL.. That's why I'm thinking spray on them would be easier (so I know if I missed any spots) than dusting...

As for their living quarters, Two of the coops (one shed split in half) actually has a floor with bedding... One small coop has a floor but it's about 3 feet above ground and I just spray water on it to clean it out each week... The other two coops have dirt floors and all of the runs are dirt...

They do not have any dust bathing areas since the ground is extremely sandy, they just pick a spot... I would have to dust the entire area to make sure they have access to it...

I have read about people using frontline and other drops for dogs/cats... I do have advantage multi for dogs but not sure if I would be able to use it... I was thinking if I mixed it with some mineral oil, would that work?

I would never do anything to harm my chickens so that's why I haven't done it yet.. Would like to see what others say about it first...


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