
I would use the same product, myself. It may not be the greatest thing for them, but these parasites can be very hard on new chicks. Maybe try applying as lightly as possible. I'd also put ome fresh hay in the nest and spray it lightly, too. Let it dry before giving the brood access.

I don't see where you mention the name of the product. What product are we spraying? Thanks
Spray on the neck nape, where back meets in a small wet 1/2 squirt. Then, another 1/2 squirt right below vent, but not on vent. They will move the product around and where needed with their beaks. This advice was given to me by a top breeder of BCM. Just a word to the wise- this stuff smells strong so you know who's been dosed. A henhouse full of treated birds is smelly, make sure to have adequate ventilation.

What product are we spraying? Thanks.
Thanks so much! I have one sick chicken. Can't figure out what's wrong with her. No cough or anything. Had a slight ear infection but treated that and it's cleared up..No eating or drinking; feeding and giving fluids by hand. I really think she is dying. Noticed a few beige bugs on her. So figured I would at least treat for that. She is young, just ready to start laying. It's so hard when you can't figure out what the heck is wrong. Other four birds healthy and vibrant. (so far; knock wood).

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