Mixed breed ducklings :)


6 Years
Jun 7, 2013
Hi all. I have 4 ducks that are totally free range. A Peking male, a Rouen male, a female blush colored crested (runner) mix? And a female black crested mix?
They have pretty much paired off into the Peking & Black and the Rouen & Blush.
I consistently get pale mallard looking babies from my blush lady & Rouen. I know this because he was my only male last year. This year I have diffrent looking babies.
I got 2 mallardy babies but they had different markings. No dots on the back and the tips of the wings were yellow. Also one had a yellow ring an round it's neck. These are about 3 weeks old.
I also have 6 black babies with yellow or white chests with some (varies by duck) yellow on the heads and face. Black feet/legs with some small yellow spots. These are about 2 weeks old.
I can't say for sure what ducks go with what eggs because I incubate them in the house. My ladies are not consistent sitters. I will find eggs just laying in the middle of the yard sometimes.
I hope to get some pretty ducks! I am anxiously watching to see what the big kid feathers will look like.
Had a hatch today from one found in the field! It's a black & yellow. Pics are today's baby



So.....tell me what ya think!
Oh. I forgot to mention. Both of my ladies are crested but I have never hatched a crested duckling. Everything I have read says I should get some. Anyone have any experience with this?

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