mixed breed ducks Pics!


12 Years
Oct 20, 2007
Eastern CT
One of my ducks hatched two ducklings this spring. I have 5 females, a Blue Swedish, a Khaki Campbell and three that supposed to be Blue Swedish and runner duck crosses. I have 2 drakes, Blue Swedish and Khaki Campbell. Here's what the babies are looking like now that they're nearly full grown. The dark brown one must have one Khaki Campbell parent IMO. The splotchy one I'm thinking might be from the Blue Swedish drake and one of the mixed hens.



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LOVE them....they really are gorgeous. I think it is so fun to look at mixed babies and try to figure out what they are.
Thanks. I'm really thinking that in the third picture I caught the duckling with the splotchy bill and his/her biological parents. The lighter duck on the left is the mixed breed who hatched and is raising them.
They are very cute! I am doing the something similar with my ducklings but only trying to narrow down color because the parents were all runners but of various colors. I'm like, you must be F&W mom and chocolate dad. You blue mom and F&W dad etc, etc, 9 more times.
The blue with the splotchy face is completely adorable! I have a little call that looks like your black one with the white chest. Adorable. Love them! These are my favorite posts...trying to figure out parentage and type of birds.
I know! And in the end it doesn't even matter what they are because they're mixed breeds and my backyard pets. The splotchy blue was named Petunia by my son, a guarantee that he will be a drake, right!? We may call him Pete but I think it's kind of funny if we have a drake waddling around named Petunia. His butt is weird. It's crooked, like it's bent to the right. The one that looks black is really a dark chocolate brown and I just love "her" face. DS named her Moonstone. I wind up calling them Moonie and Toonie most of the time. Moonie has the sweetest face just like my female Khaki, Pat. I guess time will tell whether we have more ducks or drakes!
I have one exactly like your blue/gray duck in the first picture, and its from a black swedish mama, and a buff duck dad.
Yes, I think that mine is adorable also! But I need to get rid of a few of mine, and I cant keep mine with the splotty face because My bf wants a black one that hatched, and I want a red one that looks like a saxony duck, and my bf also insists on keeping one that hatched with a deformed bill, because i'd be a jerk to get rid of it. According to him.... The rest have to go,

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