Mixed breed


6 Years
Aug 16, 2013
I would like to get 3 hen and 1 rooster white leghorn and the same amount of Rhode Island reds I was just wondering if they would mix and I would get a white leghorn/ Rhode Island Red combo, which I don't want. What would I have to do to prevent this from happening?
Perhaps I am wrong, but the leghorns would lay white eggs, the Rhode Island Reds would lay brown eggs. So if you don't want the cross, only hatch the white eggs?
If you have a rooster and 3 hens of each breed, yes they will inter breed. But who breeds what hen doesn't matter until you're ready to hatch chicks. When you're ready to hatch, pull one rooster out and only incubate the eggs of the same breed hen of the rooster that' left. That way you'll get pure bred chicks.

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