Mixing 19 wk old pullets with 6 wk old pullets & poults


10 Years
Apr 12, 2009
Gilbert, Arizona
So, I had the 4 youngsters sectioned off inside the run where the 4 bigger girls are. However, they kept escaping and they've been running free in the run all day now. I've gone to check on them a few times, and so far it seems as though everyone is behaving themselves. Perhaps because our run is so big that they stay out of the big girls' way? Our run is huge...at least 1500 sq. ft. Or is it because the older pullets aren't full grown yet...so maybe aren't as territorial? I think one of the younger ones is a roo, but I'm not 100% sure yet.
Some integrations go better than others. I had a couple of hens that were real bullys. Now everyone lives peacefully. You are lucky your has gone so well. It may well be that they are closer in age. When I introduced mine the hens were about 1 1/2 years old and the pullets 3/4 months old.
Thanks cmom for your response. I'm hoping that all my integrations go as well as this one did! (Wishful thinking)

By the way, I checked out your pictures...and am very impressed with your gardens! I'm so jealous...I wish I could grow blueberries here. It's just too stinkin' hot, I think.

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