Mixing ages


Aug 14, 2022
Okay so I have about 18 chicks hatching on Saturday. A mix of olive and Easter eggers. Made the mistake of going to tractor supply for dog food today and stopping to look at the chicks. I bought four of the buff Orpington girls that came in yesterday. When I put newborns in with them Saturday should there be a problem? I know orpingtons may be a little bigger than mine already. But they should only be about 4 or 5 days apart and there will be a lot more of the newborns. Should I be too worried about them getting along?
Take this with a heaping grain of salt, as I'm a first-timer. I got a batch of 3-day-olds (12 of them) the same day a friend dropped off twelve ~1 week olds.

I promise this was an accident.

We're not sure on the exact dates. I kept them separated in two totes for a few days, watched them carefully, and when no one seemed sick or upset, slowly introduced them to one another. After 9 days, we incorporated the two flocks together.
I would suggest not putting them together until the newly hatched chicks are a couple of days old and completely mobile so that they do not get inadvertently trampled.
^ Exactly what I was going to suggest :)

Wait until the younger ones are steady on their feet and running around well (a few days), then put them together.

You shouldn't need to do any complicated introduction, just plop one group in the pen with the others.

They can be in two separate pens for a few days, or in one divided pen. It won't make much difference either way, as long as each group has everything they need (warm area, cool area, food & water.)
I'm interested in this topic. I have 4 three-week old chicks and will soon be receiving a dozen new chicks. Would the same "few days" approach be recommended with my chicks?
Yes. Then watch them when you put them together, to make sure the big ones don't trample the little ones, or pick on them too much. But at those ages, with 3x as many little ones, they will probably be fine.

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