Mixing Buff Orps with other breeds?


6 Years
Oct 22, 2013
I am new to the world of backyard chickens. But my family has decided to acquire laying hens as an ethical alternative to buying mass produced eggs. I love the idea of Buff Orpingtons because of their repuatation for being docile. I have a toddler and would like to be able to interact with the hens and not be afraid. We will be living in upstate NY, so I am looking for a docile, hardy breed that will have a good production. There is no need for dual-purpose, as we would never consider eating our hens. I've read that BO's dont mix well with other breeds, as they tend to get picked on...? Any truth to this? My main concern is the safety and health of whatever hens we end up getting.
I may not be a good resource, but we have 23 birds together. 7 Blue Cochins (though 2 are solid white), 8 black Minorca's & 8 Buff's. They all get along well and the buffs hold their own pretty well when they need to. However, they've all been raised from day old bittys together so that may make a difference.
We have three Golden Comets, a Black Australorp, and a Golden Laced Wyandotte alongside our two Buff Orpingtons. They all get along very well. All lay very well.
Thanks so much! I currently live in NJ and there aren't many people who have BYCs so this info is super helpful!
We have a Buff O, a white Langsham & an easter egger. We got all three when they were about 20 weeks old, and they are the best of friends:)

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