Mixing different ages


Aug 26, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
I currently have 4 ducklings roughly 5-6 weeks old, almost positive I ended up with 4 boys anyway my sister in law just contacted me that her boss has 7 ducklings she needs go get rid of and thinks they are 2-4 weeks old. I was going to see if we could determine sex on any of them to bring some females into the coop. Will it be okay to mix the 2 ages? Will adding females this young cause and issue? My goal is to try to eliminate an issue of me adding females next year or having to part with 1-3 of my males. I dont have the space to add 16 females to keep a good ratio and I'm really attached to the guys already!
Start with a see no touch set up. Once they are all used to each other and they are close in size to each other, let them mingle (supervised).
Thank you! I actually just got them and they had the age way off. These guys look to be a week max (the lady I got them from got them 5 days ago, I'm assuming they were hatched within a day of her getting them)
I brought them out by my boys for a quick intro and one was shooing them away. Being so small I plan to keep them in the house for the next week and pending weather putting the dog kennel outside of the coop so they can see eachother and get acquainted for a week before hopefully joining the group. They also havent had them on heat a week. I put a warm water bottle in the cage under their hay and they dont seem to want to be by it. Do you think they would be okay with no heat outside at 2-3 weeks? Its 65 in my house but were in Wisconsin so current weather varies from 45-70
Start with short trips outside at the warmest part of the day and monitor their behavior. Cold ducklings are less active, shiver, may snuggle together on the ground instead of exploring, etc. if all is well you can leave them out longer, maybe even all day. I’d bring them inside at night for awhile, but ducklings adapt quickly.

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