Mixing ducks and chickens


In the Brooder
10 Years
May 6, 2009

We have 6 chickens, about a year old: 2 Buff Orpington hens, 3 Easter Egger hens, and a Cochin-Aracauna rooster. We would like to add 3 Welsh Harlequin ducks to the flock (1 male and 2 females).

The ducklings will be raised indoors until they are ready to go outside. At this time, will it be safe to mix them with the chickens? They will have their own lockable coop, but will share a run with the chickens. It is possible to segregate the run temporarily or permanently. There is plenty of space for all, I am mostly worried about the males being aggressive towards each other. Anyone have thoughts on this?

we have our 2 ancona ducks in with the chickens, its only a temporary set up, but they get along fine, no fighting , they share food, its fine....... they definately segregate themselves though, those racist ducks.
I recently just got ducks and just put them out with them and so far they've been living with the chickens without any problems
The ducks ignore the chickens and the chickens ignore the ducks.
I have 2 young pekins that have shared night quarters with 4 young chickens since they were really small (our own hatches).. they follow each other around all day and actually call each other and seem anxious if they are not together. Of course the ducks quickly outgrew the chicks but they are still babies. Now they are sharing with 6 new 4 week old chicks, and the ducks are ok with them too, tho the 4 older chicks are trying to assert themselves.
I am hoping that my 55 mixed layer ducks will mix well with 25 chicken hens , turkey , guineas, and a roo. They all seem fine together so far. Without the ducks of course. Is there any danger of drakes damaging chicken vents during mating?
My 2 six month old ducks share a house and coop with 2 chickens, soon to be added to by a mum hen and then the chick. They all get on well , and after a couple of weeks share food and water. Good Luck.
Yes I suppose the drakes hurting the hens in attempted mating sounds like the main problem. Guess I will try to keep a close eye on them and segregate them as that starts to happen. Thanks everyone!

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