Moderators or Administrator, Please Advise!

Anyone? I don't know how to do a bump, so I'm going to do the only thing I know to keep this near the top of recent posts. Won't someone please help this member with a sick hen? Please! Thanks......
thankyou so much!!!! at this rate shes not gonna make it through the night this will be our second lossin our 6month career as owners
If you aren't a moderator, and you are checking out this thread......if you know someone online who is good at this sort of thing, would you please PM them or at least check to see if they are online? Thanks so much!
If you are reading this, please go back to the first post in this thread. It will link you to a thread where a member needs emergency help with her sick hen. If you are good with advice, please go to that thread and reply.

Thanks in advance,
Please, when a thread gets really long, people often might not look as they assume that the OP has received an answer. If it is too bad of an emergency, you may want to find an avian vet. This is a message board and nobody here can give a 100% answer, and only suggestions.


6. No Spam. Spamming is posting the same thing several times. "Bumping" (posting to move a thread up on the forum list) and cross-posting (posting the same thread in several forums) are examples of spam.

If someone can help, they will post. Sometimes no advice can be better than bad advice.
thankyou but where we are were 2hrs from the nearest avian vet and here it is 2230 sorry if were breaking rules were just very worried
Silkiechicken, did I give bad advice? I'm sorry if I did, and I want to apologize if I misused the forum. I hope you know I was trying to find help for these members and their hen. On Sunday my vet isn't open, and I didn't even think of emergency vets. I was caught up in the emergency like I tend to get whenever I read one of these emergency threads. I won't repost under a new title again. I didn't realize that was spam during an emergency. With all the reading I do on here, I'm guilty of not reading all the rules. That's my next assignment from me to me. Thanks for the heads up, and thanks for all you do!

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