Modesto Milling feed in SF East Bay area

Rowell Fowl

10 Years
May 7, 2009
SF East Bay Area
I am thinking of driving out to Modesto Milling to purchase organic feed, scratch etc as it is much cheaper bought direct than from the sources I know of in the area. I have tried using the shipping method also and the shipping costs were more than the feed!!
) The journey will take me twice as long and use twice as much fuel as the alternatives but the savings seem worth it (50lb layer pellets for less than $21). As I have a Honda Pilot and only need supplies for my 6 hens, I have ample room for extras. Is there anyone who wants to order and contribute towards the gas cost?

Am thinking of making the trip one day next week. I can let people know the costs for options if anyone is interested - they also have food grade DE and oyster shell.
Should have mentioned I am in Pleasanton so people can assess whether I am close enough for them to collect from me - I'm not offering a delivery to your door service!!
I live in Modesto. Modesto Milling is in Empire, CA much closer to me than you. It's right next to the M.E.T. rail yard, actually east of Modesto. You're going to drive an 1-1/2 hrs for chicken feed? Maybe there's a closer feed store in Livermore? I use J.S. West layers crumble supplemented with scratch and oystershell. It's very affordable. I think you're putting too much into this whole organic thing. The highway can be very dangerous. Be practical.
$29 for 50lb of feed??? They're just chickens. My chickens just ate some black widow spiders!



ps. Please don't refer to the Great Cental Valley of California as the East SF Bay area.
Chickendummy - whoa there! I wasn't referring to your part of the world as SF East Bay - I was referring to my part of the world!

I was only trying to help out other people in the East Bay who can't get the feed they want at a good price- it's my choice if I want to feed my chickens organic feed and NO I don't know of anywhere locally that sells it at a reasonable price - the closest place is 40 miles away and they charge nearly double what it costs if you buy it direct - hence the idea of driving to Empire (and yes I know where it is!!!!).

Pardon me for thinking this might be useful to someone and I wish I hadn't posted anything now you have upset me so much.........
I stand corrected. I apologize, and mis-understood the use of SF East Bay area. Please forgive me.

Now that you understand my username in context.
I hope that your strategy works out for you. You are correct. This is a useful place for exchange of information. Occassionally you get a dolt who thinks he's an expert.

All the best.


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