Molting question


Mar 21, 2015
west monroe, ny
Mrs Orphington appears to be molting. She is 1 1/2 years old and the only one of my Flock that is losing her feathers. It seems bad to me. She doesn't have a loss of appetite and is drinking her water regularly. Is this normal? Should I move her to separate quarters to keep her quiet? I hear that molting can be painful. Is this true? Any advice is appreciated. Btw..I live in central new York. Heat/humidity seems constant lately.
Sounds like molting. Might want to examine her and check for parasites just to be safe. Most times they molt in the fall which is fast approaching but stress (like the heat and humidity you are having) can bring it on earlier. I don't think she's in pain - but they can look pretty bedraggled, that's for sure. Here's a great article on the molt
Spring-born chickens will most always molt in the Fall, but it occurs first around 16-18 months old, and yearly thereafter. They may also start a molt after a stressful event, such as after a long broody spell, or going without water or food for a dangerously long time. In addition to redsox's article, here are another 2 good articles to read:
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I am in CNY as well and my 19 month olds are molting.
I don't pick them up or try to love on them at this time because it causes them pain.
Poor girls.
I am mixing Feather Fixer with their regular layer feed. They are also enjoying fresh fruits and veggies as they have been all summer.
They are acting normal, just eating more to get through their molt.
All is well, except for the heat and humidity.
Shade, cold treats and the fan are helping!
Good luck, jmdarrow-- a cool down is on the way!
Hot weather can send them into a molt. Also, stress can..they get uncomfortable because the growing new feathers have blood in them, and it can be painful for them if you handle them before the new feathers harden off. They don't really need special treatment, but some extra protein wouldn't hurt at this time of new growth. Nutrena makes a feed called Feather Fixer, that is supposed to be good stuff for feather growth. Haven't tried it yet, but plan to.
Thanks everyone for your advice. I aporeciate it sooo much. There are a couple more molting as well. Poor Mrs Orphington. Needs help getting off her roost every morning. Molting or not. Well....i always THINK she needs help anyway. I think shes playing me.....
I havever three 16mth old hens and 5 young hens that just started laying this summer. The 3 older appear to be molting. Can I just mix the Feather Fixer food in with the regular layer feed and let everyone eat that? Or shouldn't the younger ladies eat that?

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