Mom to 7 Chicks..


Aug 10, 2016

My name is Gianna and I live in Lynchburg, VA. I have two sons (8 & 3) and 7 pullets..well, I hope they are pullets, and a cat, Ygritte. My girls were born April 4, 2016. I have 2 Welsummer's (Betty and Carmella), 2 Buff Laced Polish (Princess Lay-A and Chickachu), and 3 bantam Easter Eggers (Laverne, Shirley, and Phantom).

I have never been around chickens before, so this is a total learning process. I hope to learn tons through these forums and maybe meet some people in the area who are also raising backyard chickens. My girls hang out in my fenced in backyard during the day if the weather is nice, though one of my EE's loves sitting on top of the fence. They are spoiled..they have a fan in their run/coop.

One of my Welsummer's (my best girl) has started pecking my feet (not like she thinks my toes are worms, but hard) and chasing me and has been a little aggressive over the past week. I am interested in finding out why she has gone from the golden child to a mean girl. Hopefully one of these amazing forums can shed some light..

I look forward to talking Chickens with everyone!
Welcome to Backyard chickens. You might want to post some photos at "what breed or gender is this?" Your Welsummer is demonstrating some rooster like behaviors.
Hi Gianna and
- thanks for joining us. I agree with D/Diva in posting a pic of your "girl" on the gender forum - just to make sure it is a she.

Best wishes

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