
Im pretty darn happy today, got a fancy new waterer with nipples and water cups hooked up with a five gallon jug so no more taking water in and out, that water will last me quit a while ! It's plugged in to one of those thermal cubes that come on at 35 degrees to keep the water unthawed and no more frozen water!
Also got a fancy feeder to, and now It seems going to the coop will be just to get eggs lol. Th feeder holds a lot of feed plus there is three large feeders in the pen, and with the electric door opener, my days of leisure are no longer a dream lol. My boys check for eggs, so I'm left to not have to trudge through the snow, and my daughter gets to fill the water when needed and food.
My birds are doing well, a few are finishing up on a moot, one looked like it got ran over the molt was so bad, but weeks of regrouping and she looks 75 percent back to normal.
Still getting between 5/7 eggs a day out of 8 adults and 4 pullets who have not began to lay for several months yet ( there three months old next Friday) still looking for organic corn to feed them, that's getting hard to find! How's everyone else coping with the snow and cold?
That sounds fantastic! I'm still trudging through the snow to water everything....I have to feed the horses daily, so I'm already out there, but it's still a pain.
Karla where did you get the waterer? We have just a black feed bucket but it froze over the other day, chickens weren't too happy...stood around complaining, turkeys didn't seem to mind. Monday was horrid, poor birds their coop was directly aimed where the wind was coming from so I opened the door for a few moments and they all just looked at me like...REALLY
I too bought a 30lb hanging feeder along with a bunch of hay so the birds seem quite happy. Of 9 girls I'm getting like 2-3 Eggs,but some of my girls are older so. But not bad, going to hatch come spring so that I have some new layers.
My chooks have a waterer in the coop, 5 gallon bucket with nipples, but every morning when I let them out of their yard/coop they run to the Ritchie waterer for the horse. It is the funniest thing watching them run all awkward and flapping their wings. One of my favorite sites in the am.
Karla where did you get the waterer? We have just a black feed bucket but it froze over the other day, chickens weren't too happy...stood around complaining, turkeys didn't seem to mind. Monday was horrid, poor birds their coop was directly aimed where the wind was coming from so I opened the door for a few moments and they all just looked at me like...REALLY :rant I too bought a 30lb hanging feeder along with a bunch of hay so the birds seem quite happy. Of 9 girls I'm getting like 2-3 Eggs,but some of my girls are older so. But not bad, going to hatch come spring so that I have some new layers. 
Walter Bose made it, I can not post pictures here but will ask him to post some if he can. Made my day not to run out and put water out this morning. My son went out and found one of the pullets drinking from one of the nipples . My son did add a waterer out in the enclosed pen in case they have all not used to the cups and nipples yet, we want them all on them before we pull the other waterers away.I'm still. Getting great egg counts, and I think the heat lamp going on at below 35 has made the difference. That and these are this years birds, and last years girls. Do you get broodies? Every year I let my girls hatch out tere wn eggs, love it love it. I buy eggs from folks close to my town, and birds I want, put them under y girls and then I got chicks! Right now I have pullets , 2 EE I believe, ( love EE ) and two lemon cuckoo orphingtons ( one is mixed with legbar) the full lemon cuckoo orphington turned out to be a rooster but he is going to be beautiful ! The fist batch was all leg horns except one as I wanted a white egg, all roosters lol but one, she turned out to be a leghorn mix ad she lays peach colored eggs. I love my girls raising there own babies with the flock, saves me time and having to separate, heat lamp etc. ugh no more of that !
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I get a few Broodies a year one hen who I know come thanksgiving will want to set eggs....she's done so past two thanksgivings. But this year I won't let her do so .
I get a few Broodies a year one hen who I know come thanksgiving will want to set eggs....she's done so past two thanksgivings. But this year I won't let her do so .
I pray for those girls who will go broody Come September /October . I love the spring layers and not having to wait from new eggs . I have pullets now that will be 3 months old come next Friday, they will lay by spring for sure. My new hen from this summer laid about a month them boom broody in September, I was happy. No more getting chicks from murdocks in spring, I can let my broodies hatch and raise there own. So far I have purchased the first five chicks 3 1/2 years ago, never had to buy another chick. My girls brood the ones I buy and I can pick and choose the breed. Loving it!

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