
Good for you Seyanophis. Be sure to keep us informed about your career and your new chickens. Be sure to get one of the cold hardy breeds. You know what they say about Montana, nine months of cold and three months of bad skiing.

F2 OEs are second generation hybrids Karla :) (F1 is Marans X EE/blue/green layer, F2 is OE X OE)

Sorry everybody! I've been a little crazy busy around here! I have over 100 posts to catch up on! I'll be back in a minute, haha!
Hi Seyonophis! I'm about 25 miles outside of Missoula :) If you ever want to come check out some chicken breeds in person :) And other cool things, ducks, bunnies, yaks, sheep... all kinds of animals :)

No new babies around here yet... Wonder if I should palpate the sheep to see if I can feel heads. I think my Shetland should be bred for an early lambing :)

I've been working at the Winter Farmer's Market every Saturday with my wellness business, DH got a new job driving truck, and I'm getting my hobbies up and getting more productive :)

My OE rooster Junior is kicking my older (Blue Copper Marans) roo's BUTT! So I think I need to build an OE pen like NOW =/ Dangit.

I have two OE roos- One is "Cal" formally "Cali" when I thought he was a she- white with red and a few black markings (GORGEOUS) and "Junior" who looks just like his dad with a pea comb. I'll get some pics and yall can tell me which I should keep in a breeding pen with my blue/black/(1)splash OE girls :)

My FBCM roo (again- thought he was a she) is looking show quality... I'll get a pic of him too. Might need too take him to the fair this year :)"

The ducks are doing well- The dogs took the buff 4-some down to a trio (at least it was a drake), and the new scovy girls are assimilating well :)

No yak babies expected until June, but I'm getting excited! 5 months! Woohoo, I need babies :D

How are y'all doing?
You guys need to post pics when you talk about your girls lol, I still can not find a oe, and fblm ? I'm so confused when you guys talk about your chickens, makes me crazy lol. Bout time you all start doing pictures lol I need visual! Royal, can not wat to see all the new spring babies, my kids would love to see that happening! Good going on the job for both of you ! Now get to picture taking I need to see your birds! :D
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Here are some pics to help put faces to words :)



My coolest OE pullet. Period.

FBCM- French Black Copper Marans - feather shanked, no gold, fits French standard

OE- Olive Egger - Dark Brown laying breed X Blue egg gene breed
Nice to see you back RoyalT. I vote for Cal, I love the blue splash and be is a beautiful one.
I hate this waiting for babies. Chicks aren't so bad, only 21 days, but cows-9 months, horses-11 months, way too long. I've got 1 mare that might be in foal, the one that had to be turned loose when the fire went through last summer is starting to look a little round in the tummy. She was found with a 2 year old stallion, but his owner said he was kind of dumb and didn't know he was a stallion yet. She would be due about june 1st.
My chicks are doing great, I moved them down to the basement today, they have about twice the room they did in the small brooder that I use for the 1st week or so.I need to get new photos, they look so cute with their little tail feathers.
Oh I'm definitely keeping Cal :) I think I'll do him over some of the OE girls. He's just too pretty.

Junior has the look of a badly colored Blue Copper Marans, and he's beating the heck out of his dad, Lincoln. I don't know how old Linc is- we got him in the Sumer and his spurs were already over 2" long. I dunno.

King will stay over the laying flock, and Cal will get his own F2 OE pen, Not sure about Junior. I may sell him with some girls come spring. I have way too many birds right now!

My Scotty cow is due in Sept. My yak bull has always been with my girls but I think the earliest I'll see a calf is May possibly. June definitely. Yaks are 8 1/2 month gestation as opposed to the 9 month of 'normal' cattle, so that's somethin :)

My chicks are little stress cases. They live in a big box from a tool chest we got from Costco. So they hear noises, but don't see a whole lot. Every time there's a noise they freak out. I kind of want to take them outside, but it's so icy.. =/
Here are some pics to help put faces to words :)
Hens: My coolest OE pullet. Period.
these are real nice birds! I want one of them olive eggers! Thank you so much for posting the pics, made my day! I love to see others animals, makes them more alive to me lol. I was telling my son this morning about the baby animals coming soon, he loves seeing all kinds of animals, he though your place sounded awesome. I took him to Dillion and he got to see a duck, chickens , goats cows and a guinea hens, he loved it! Them cooper marans are beautiful, but all your birds are!

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