
Where has everyone been for 2 days???   :frow

Surprised that no one has been posting on this thread since Sunday!
. Where we're you? I post all the time and then no one posts lol, I've been waiting for you to come in to chat. My moms in the hospital , I've been real busy taking care of everything plus dad, my handicapped 30 year old nephew and am heading to bed since I have not slept since Sunday night! Good to see you, what's new? ,
I'm here, new to this thread..... in anyone in Mt going to join the Easter hatch thread?
your from Montana and you have not been in our little part of the web here ? Goodness. Gracious girl ! Good to meet you! Not hatching my self, my broody passed away a short time ago. Buying pullets from Azreil :)
I'm back, I've had a ruff couple of days at work and haven't been on line much. Yea day off tomorrow. I want to get the chicks moved into a bigger pen, I got the pen cleaned and ready Sunday, but didn't have time to move them. I'd like to put them out in the coop, but I'm afraid we'll still have some weather that will be too cold for them. They sure are getting big and feathering up.
Hi jessshan8, I will most likley set some for Easter, guess I'll have to decide soon. Maybe I'll have some of the breeds I want to work on shipped in. I just have to make sure I have room for them.
Its been really nice here, 50 today, most of the snow is gone, and its looking like rain tomorrow. I was afraid that I was going to be short on hay this year, but if this warm weather keeps up I should be fine. I just hope we get enough rain for good crops this summer.
. Sorry for your rough work week, glad you have the day off. Nothing much going on here, enjoying the nice days! Chickens are laying welll they love the heat lamp lol, I finally shut it off tonight, it's warm enough out. It's so funny to see the girl laying around under it. I'm off to bed, good night ladies
I'm back, I've had a ruff couple of days at work and haven't been on line much. Yea day off tomorrow. I want to get the chicks moved into a bigger pen, I got the pen cleaned and ready Sunday, but didn't have time to move them. I'd like to put them out in the coop, but I'm afraid we'll still have some weather that will be too cold for them. They sure are getting big and feathering up.
Hi jessshan8, I will most likley set some for Easter, guess I'll have to decide soon. Maybe I'll have some of the breeds I want to work on shipped in. I just have to make sure I have room for them.
Its been really nice here, 50 today, most of the snow is gone, and its looking like rain tomorrow. I was afraid that I was going to be short on hay this year, but if this warm weather keeps up I should be fine. I just hope we get enough rain for good crops this summer.
Hello there! I hear ya on the weather but I am sure we will get another freeze. By the way what breeds of birds do you currently have? I have Jersey Giants,White and Black, Barred rock, RIR, and EE's. 2 Bourbon red hens and three mixed geese and 10 ducks all running around my place.
your from Montana and you have not been in our little part of the web here ? Goodness. Gracious girl ! Good to meet you! Not hatching my self, my broody passed away a short time ago. Buying pullets from Azreil

Ever tried incubating yourself? Its lots of fun if you don't mind the extra roos (although they do make great soup). Ya I know I should have jumped on here a long time ago but I did poke my head in here from time to time though. Just never said Hi. Bad of me I know. Sorry to disappoint though I am a guy. my user-name is short for Jesse & Shannon with 6 children.
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Actually, I live in Creston with my husband. We are retired and getting back into chickens. We raised them with our kids a long time ago and decided to do it again so that our great grandchildren (who are city kids) can enjoy them when they visit during the summer. We are not hatching at this time, but may do it later.
Actually, I live in Creston with my husband. We are retired and getting back into chickens. We raised them with our kids a long time ago and decided to do it again so that our great grandchildren (who are city kids) can enjoy them when they visit during the summer. We are not hatching at this time, but may do it later.

Sweet, I raised chickens when I was a kid in Pennsylvania,had to give it up when I joined the Navy in 1989. I retired about two years ago after 21.5 years but got back into chickens almost four years ago shortly after being stationed here in Kalispell as a recruiter. I just love them and their personalities.
Hey Jess, I did have a broody sitting on my eggs, I love that better then anything, it's a no hands on let the mama raise all the babies, but my broody died about 6 weeks ago. I'm hoping one of my other birds take up the challenge but so far nothing. Oh I have a orphington who goes broody about 2 times a year, but she is not the best mama, not like my other girl was. I would get an incubator, but not enough room, do not want chickens in the house, I have dogs and cats so I'm more of a let mama chicken do it. I was looking for barred rock pullets ,I see you have these, how's the jersey giants on egg laying? I hear they take forever to grow and lay. Always wanted one of these to lol.
Nice to meet you by the way, I figured you were a guy today, your more then welcome to jump right in! Nice to see folks chatting when I got time.
I'm getting pullets from Aziel , wheaten americauna , and EE's and mutts lol, and I pray a nice copper Maran .
Also getting a few RIR from cackleberry girl. Her chickens are laying machines!
Ok now I'm just babbling lol
I have a broody that has been broody for a week now. She is a silky, barred rock, and orpington cross. She is the best mother and goes broody 4 or 5 times a year for weeks at a time if I do not let her set. She just sets on everyone elses eggs and screams at the others if they come near her. She is not a good layer but the best mother. I actually gave her ten of my darkest green EE eggs to set today and isolated her from the other hens. The Jersey giants are going to be a year old next month and only have just started laying so how they will fare as far as production we will have to see. I don't provide light for my coop so my hens drop off laying in early November and just started back in mid January. I think I got 5 eggs during that time.
Hello there! I hear ya on the weather but I am sure we will get another freeze. By the way what breeds of birds do you currently have? I have Jersey Giants,White and Black, Barred rock, RIR, and EE's. 2 Bourbon red hens and three mixed geese and 10 ducks all running around my place.
hi Jesse, I have a mixed bunch in my layer pen, Marans of several colors, SLW, Ameraucana, EE,OE, Orps, some production red that I don't like, GSL and BSL that I do like, and in their own breeding pen Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana. I like hatching chicks, and love to see what colors I come up with when breeding the EE and OE's. I've never tried letting one of my broodys hatch, I might give that a try this year. I would also like to get a few turkeys this year.

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