
Hi! I'm a new member here. Just checking in from Bozeman, MT. I have had chickens for over 2 years now. I started with alot of different breeds from Murdochs and I still have several different breeds. But I have decided to focus on Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons, French Black Copper Marans, Naked Necks, Pekin cochins, and Seramas. Also have Frizzles, Silkies and a couple of Sizzles. Love my kids! I have had incubators running since last August. I have been getting eggs on eBay. Many many duds, but that is where my special types have come from. Can't get good quality or special types at Murdochs! Does anyone here in MT breed heritage or different type/breeds of chickens?
Hi! I'm a new member here.  Just checking in from Bozeman, MT.  I have had chickens for over 2 years now.  I started with alot of different breeds from Murdochs and I still have several different breeds.  But I have decided to focus on Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons, French Black Copper Marans, Naked Necks, Pekin cochins, and Seramas.  Also have Frizzles, Silkies and a couple of Sizzles.  Love my kids!  I have had incubators running since last August.  I have been getting eggs on eBay.  Many many duds, but that is where my special types have come from.  Can't get good quality or special types at Murdochs! Does anyone here in MT breed heritage or different type/breeds of chickens? 
wow your not to far from me. I would love a naked neck lol, there so ugly there cute. Have to go look at your birds on line, see what they look like. Welcome to our little place on the web ! Please share and sit a spell. Nice to meet you.
Hi! I'm a new member here. Just checking in from Bozeman, MT. I have had chickens for over 2 years now. I started with alot of different breeds from Murdochs and I still have several different breeds. But I have decided to focus on Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons, French Black Copper Marans, Naked Necks, Pekin cochins, and Seramas. Also have Frizzles, Silkies and a couple of Sizzles. Love my kids! I have had incubators running since last August. I have been getting eggs on eBay. Many many duds, but that is where my special types have come from. Can't get good quality or special types at Murdochs! Does anyone here in MT breed heritage or different type/breeds of chickens?
Hey there,

I've got FBCM, olive/easter eggers, and some other mixes now, and I'm going to be bringing in Cream Legbars and Bielefelders this spring/summer. I'm thinking those will do it for me :) I'll have 10 breeding pens going. Should be good!
Hey there,

I've got FBCM, olive/easter eggers, and some other mixes now, and I'm going to be bringing in Cream Legbars and Bielefelders this spring/summer. I'm thinking those will do it for me :) I'll have 10 breeding pens going. Should be good!
wow ten breeding pens, will have to go look up white leg bars, never of that breed". I see everyone loving the black copper maran, I love my girl, but find she is terrible at egg laying, and it's hit and miss all the time. She started up laying again a few weeks ago, so far we got three eggs, during the summer it was the same thing. Now my EE lays constantly but I'm beginning to think pure breeds are like all pure bred animals, they have problems like certain dogs with bad hips, or blind if all white ( Dalmatians) I think some pure bred birds are also the same, tend to not lay much or not at all. Mine lay a very beautiful egg, but the cost of feeding her out ways the egg these days. Anyone else finding there copper marans being bad egg layers ? I'm hoping the americauna are not this bad. I depend on some eggs during the winter, so far the best layers are my RIR , black asterlorps , and my EE ( ameraucana mixed RIR ) we are now getting 5 eggs out of 7 girls, the copper maran is giving ,e an egg every week, and the RIR mix is in molt. Oh and I have another EE still not laying as she is only 5 months old
I wanted to raise Cream Legbars - bought several batches of eggs to incubate from eBay, but not one developed. I was so disappointed. Also tried to start some Swedish flower hens twice, but they also didn't develop. I decided to do the Naked Necks for the very reason you stated. They are just too ugly that they are cute - if that makes any sense! The older two that I have were hatched in the end of Sept, and I am surprised at how mellow they are. I would love to get a trio of Legbars from you when you get started with them. Keep me in mind, okay? Once I get my Naked Necks going, I would be glad to sell you a few Naked Necks.
If anyone is hatching out, I really want 2 barred rocks. 2 black sex links, or austrolorps or RIR all the same age. ( I do not want roosters,so these will have to grow out for about a month or two. )
Yeah, my Marans girls are a little slow on the laying- they're off right now. My last batch were better layers, of course- they got eaten before we had the yaks to ward off predators =/

I may just move over to the rare breeds. I do love the Olive eggers, they seem to give me 5 eggs/week or so. I can handle that. I think I'll bring in a few production girls for the laying flock. The rare breed eggs won't be for eating! Hah, too expensive.

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