
Nice birds on here!!!!
Now I am getting chick fever again!!

Got friends asking me to raise cornish cross eating birds. They want the free ranged birds I raise. Thinking about it if I can use the old rabbit house I could put some chicks in there, but DH wants to store all the garden stuff in there.
Wow, I wish there was a way to get better email reminders when someone posts. I only get an email once every few months that someone has posted to this thread. Life gets busy and then it's been like 2-3 months since I've thought to pop in and there are hundreds of posts to read! :)
Azriel are you still looking for BLRW? I've got some nice birds I'm going to be penning seperately to get some hatching eggs from. I may also have an extra roo right now. I'd be interested in doing some trading if so- I don't know if you remember but I'm just 12 miles west of Roundup so we're practically neighbors! :D
Well, back to work!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying this mild (muddy!) winter~
I will come back soon, got to run, just giving you all a heads up that the front page of our paper today called chickens dangerous and now want to put limits on them. I'm off to a public meeting on this but if your a prayer pray they agree at least 10 chickens will be allowed. I'm mad and let them know my views today, now for the town meeting where I'm sure people will not show up. Ugh
Welcome ReptileMom, Montana gal and appychick,
I guess I've missed a few days. Its nice to see so many new faces on here. I have fertile eggs for sale, pure Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, and EE/OE.  If I can get a few more breeding pens set up I'll have Blue Copper and Splash Copper Marans, and BLRW. I would also like Golden Cuckoo Marans, but not having the best of luck with them.
I agree that some of the BCM are not the best layers, but everyone wants the dark eggs. I like the dark eggs, when they have a dark red undertone.
My Ameraucana are good, but not great layers. My EE/OE are very, very good layers.

I want the EE and the OE and 2 americauna ok. To bad you do not have a buff orphington lol I need one of those to brood. Ok got to go lol
Hi Lynacroon, nice to see you back. I'm enjoying having a warmer winter, but we do need more snow. I don't want another fire season like last summer. I'm always interested in trades, and would like more BLRW. Let me know when you have some you know are pure.
OK, so you are all going to think Im crazy. I'm getting a 3 day old bottle calf and its going to be in my basement for a couple of weeks. I've already got 50+ chicks down there, so how bad can a calf be right?? I thought about putting her out in the chicken coop, but feeding is going to be eaiser in the basement. She is a premee, and wouldn't nurse her mom, but is doing OK on the bottle. I will move her out to the barn as soon as she is strong enough. I'll get photos as soon as I get her.
I will come back soon, got to run, just giving you all a heads up that the front page of our paper today called chickens dangerous and now want to put limits on them. I'm off to a public meeting on this but if your a prayer pray they agree at least 10 chickens will be allowed. I'm mad and let them know my views today, now for the town meeting where I'm sure people will not show up. Ugh
So how dangerous can they be, what they're going to be running around town biting people???
Ok, I'm back so a little back drop in what's going on ok. ( if you look in today's paper Montana standard .com ) there is a article by Ed randdel bob we call him, any ways he works for the pound, sort of a pound police lol. He loves to make laws and is constantly at it. Trying to make new ordinances blah blah blah . I dealt with him years ago when he worked as a social worker and tried to force me to give my grandson back to the mother who left him alone as a new born on a pile of laundry while she slept upstairs. Or stopped feeding him all together. Stating she was a young mom and would grow to do better. ( yeah she gave up 3 kids so far and had 4 ) when I got the second grand child he said I was not being fair to her, ( this time she left a month old infant in the swing while she was visiting neighbors. And over night on the floor when she was out cheating on my son. Both had issues, but my son loved the kids so I got them and refused to give them back. By the grace of God she has never fought me again, but of course it cost me a fortune to begin with. Any ways I digress...... So on the books they wanted to limit chickens, 6 in town ( 25 was allowed before if you had half an acre) well I have 8 and want 4 more. Six as I explained to them would give me only a few eggs in winter since I do not light my coop, mine are not production birds so not apt to lay like mad, and I have never heard of chickens being dangerous or running rampant so what is the problem ? In fact no one really knows who has chickens as there pretty hush hush ! I explained I raise grand kids, on my income which is small I need the eggs and if they have never been a problem, no one has ever complained, what's mr. Randall's problem?
A comissioner who i spoke with earlier in the day ( yes i was that mad) says well, i see nothing about being grand fathered in, in case they try to take some of yours away, brings it up in the town meeting And one of the commissioners says well it says in article blah blah blah.... And she speaks up in my defense and says that does not say anything about how many, so in other words she is ok with what she has . I speak up and tell him, yeah 25 chickens maybe to much for a small back yard, but.... 10 for me is a small flock, and my neighbors all love my girls. They come feed them and they et eggs during the summer months. I told them about molting, no eggs, I told them about light, no eggs, I explained if you limit to 6 chickens, chances are you will get 3 or 4 on a good day in summer. That some breeds do not lay every day, even more then a few a week ( like that silly BCM I have lol. I get an egg every few weeks!
And only a few during winter months if your lucky. One guy tried to close the talks with putting on the back burner until they can discuss it more, but one man spoke upand said it was never a problem for Butte, heck who really cares as long as there not rampant and dirty and people were complaining ,which only one woman did and she hated her neighbor any ways so when she got chickens she had something to complain about. He said I say we just drop this, delete it from the books and call it a day. Any one disapprove? Not one did! We won .......! Oh and not one other person in my town showed up :( so I fought for everyone! And I won!
Hi Lynacroon, nice to see  you back. I'm enjoying having a warmer winter, but we do need more snow. I don't want another fire season like last summer. I'm always interested in trades, and would like more BLRW. Let me know when you have some you know are pure.
OK, so you are all going to think Im crazy. I'm getting a 3 day old bottle calf and its going to be in my basement for a couple of weeks. I've already got 50+ chicks down there, so how bad can a calf be   right?? I thought about putting her out in the chicken coop, but feeding is going to be eaiser in the basement. She is a premee, and wouldn't nurse her mom, but is doing OK on the bottle. I will move her out to the barn as soon as she is strong enough. I'll get photos as soon as I get her.
oh how sweet! I can not imagine eating it after raising it :0 but again I'm not a farmer/rancher :). Are you ready to meet up soon? I'm calling that man about my coop tomorrow and telling him I want it done ! I want to take them girls and that takes time with them and loving on them!
Wow, I wish there was a way to get better email reminders when someone posts. I only get an email once every few months that someone has posted to this thread. Life gets busy and then it's been like 2-3 months since I've thought to pop in and there are hundreds of posts to read! :)
Azriel are you still looking for BLRW? I've got some nice birds I'm going to be penning seperately to get some hatching eggs from. I may also have an extra roo right now. I'd be interested in doing some trading if so- I don't know if you remember but I'm just 12 miles west of Roundup so we're practically neighbors! :D
Well, back to work!
Hope everyone is well and enjoying this mild (muddy!) winter~

good to see you ! Now stop being a stranger lol. What else you got besides BLRW ?

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