
Karlamaria, good for you!! I am sooo glad you made the effort to go to the meeting and speak up. There are too many communities that are banning chickens or putting ridiculously low limits on them. I know quite a few people in other places - out of state - that are dealing with this very thing and losing. Too many people out there wanting to control everyone else around them. They are usually people who can't control their own life and activities and look around to find something they can find fault with and attempt to make themselves feel better by controlling others.
We have to speak up for ourselves - and you did! Congratulations on the win!
Thank you! :) As far as chickens I can breed pure I just have the BLRWs and Ameraucanas. All my other chickens are mutts or either roos with no matching hens or hens with no matching roos. :) I also have Royal Palm turkeys, Pekin and Blue Swedish ducks, peafowl, Sebastapol geese, Buff American geese, and guineas. Getting expensive to feed everybody these days!
Take care and have a great day~ :)
What kind of mutts? Sounds like you have EE from both BLRW and ameraucana
Karlamaria, good for you!! I am sooo glad you made the effort to go to the meeting and speak up.  There are too many communities that are banning chickens or putting ridiculously low limits on them.  I know quite a few people in other places - out of state - that are dealing with this very thing and losing.  Too many people out there wanting to control everyone else around them.  They are usually people who can't control their own life and activities and look around to find something they can find fault with and attempt to make themselves feel better by controlling others. 
We have to speak up for ourselves - and you did! Congratulations on the win!
thanks for the kind words, seems everyone wants to play big shot and make these dumb laws. I'm glad the council saw it this way, cause you know what, I guess it was all in the bag and by me going they decided to just drop it. I was sad not to see more chicken people there, I know of 4 other people who have chickens, and I'm pretty sure butte has a lot. I do not know these people personnely but have seen there chickens in there yards. You would think they would not want there rights trampled on, but I feel great for speaking up and saving the day lol. Besides I want more more more ! Lol
Good job at that meeting Karla!!! Missoula has a 6 hen limit, but that was added after they weren't allowed. Taking AWAY something as opposed to giving something with new laws/ordinances is pretty much always worth fighting against. So glad you went and won :)

The flock just got a pint of pico de gallo (appropriate name, they LOVE it!) and some old bread :) They're in heaven. I can't wait for spring to be here, I need more baby everythings frolicking around!
Thank you Natalie I appreciate the kind words, I am still thinking today, what's wrong with people who have many chickens and the fact it was all most over for them. I also talked with one council member yesterday that they were voting on it that night and because I was the only one to step forward and show up, it was the fact I was so impassioned about feeding my family, and being clean about my girls, and the fact we never had issues ever in my town , why change what has never been a problem ? I was to say the least very verbal, and straight forward, and I explained how chickens worked. Take my maran, she barely lays eggs, I do not own any production birds so the myth that you get an egg a day from chickens, back yard chickens anyways , never hardly happens . Oh they lay good in summer, ( some) but many stop laying in winter. And here in Montana we have a very long winter. They never knew this, they figured we were getting eggs daily all through the year, and for anyone to have 25 birds that's 25 a day, so what are we doing with all these eggs ? I laughed, explained I have 8 birds, 7 laying one pullet. Out of these girls I get 3/4 eggs but winter is where they molt and I get a few if that. I do not supliment light, and I do not own production birds. I believe then is when they realized just how chickens work. I also explained that chickens need x amount of light, we get dark very early here and stay dark long periods so that's why not many eggs, also explaining how the factory eggs work and how they are slaughtered after a short life span because 1. There breed to lay with less feed, 2. There under lights almost constantly, and 3. It's a crap life for a chicken and back yard chicken owners love there girls and believe in lots of room, and good food and treats and not caged and able to run free in a fenced in erea.
She said they set presidence that night, not only did they not vote , they threw it out, decided it was never before an issue and there for need not surface again. When one of the council members spoke asking for any nays... None spoke, and then he said well let's drop this from the books like it was never spoken of. That is something they never do .
I got my calf last night, I'm really steamed, I found out that the man that had her was only feeding her once a day, and she is really weak. I wasn't going to get her until tomorrow, but when I found out how he was taking care of her,I just had to go get her. I'm not even sure she will make it, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Poor baby, he had her outside in the snow, no shelter, and she was so cold. I made a little jacket for her, I have her in the basement and have been feeding her every few hours.
I got my calf last night, I'm really steamed, I found out that the man that had her was only feeding her once a day, and she is really weak. I wasn't going to get her until tomorrow, but when I found out how he was taking care of her,I just had to go get her. I'm not even sure she will make it, but I'm going to give it my best shot. Poor baby, he had her outside in the snow, no shelter, and she was so cold. I made a little jacket for her, I have her in the basement and have been feeding her every few hours.
omg what an idiot , he sounds like a real creep. who would do that to a baby animal but someone with no conscience. i will be praying, keep it going girl you can do it. Im so mad right now, really mad.

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