
Hi all how's it going ? No snow but darn cold, I'm so looking forward to spring! Well the guy will not answer my calls now, guess I'm truly scammed, but I do know who he is and will be dropping by the police station tomorrow.
Love the pictures Natalie. Pretty ducks. And the chicks are adorable . Nice animals you have there, how wonderful it must be to have land and the cool animals you have. I can not wait until the births and the new additions.
Ariel I can not wait to see mine, with out the coop I guess I will be adding them to my coop, and probably selling a few to locals. Welcome Montana trapper, your near me, good to meet another butte person. What kinds of chickens do you have?
I did get two of my raised garden beds for my porch, they turned out real nice, glad to have them as I plan to do lettuce, green onions, etc on my back porch. There only 2x4 but will hold some good salad fixings! I'm having him do bigger ones to hold my cucumbers, bell peppers walla walls etc. lots of life issues right now keep me from here, but all is well. I'm off to fix dinner and get ready for Monday.
Wind has been howling up here all day. Snow started after dark and we have a raging blizzard going on.
Good night to stay inside and stay warm. Got a cat refusing to leave my lap and the dogs are refusing to go outside.

Got 3 eggs today!!!!
It was a race to beat the barn cats to them though.
Had a wolf pack pass through around 4 AM today. The dogs were going nuts and the yak were all standing facing the creek across the street when they're normally fast asleep. The dogs on the other side of the creek were going ape. Luckily nothing came on our place! I'm not sure the shotgun would've taken care of a few wolves. Next time I'll take my sidearm, too!

I'm looking into new incubators. I really want a Dickey, but they are very expensive! Not for what they are, I think they're a great value, but just the upfront cost... I know I would make it back in chick sales over a few years... I should just do it when I sell Barbie. My house temps are simply too unreliable (wood stove, and we're stingy with the wood!) to be using my 1588... I think I'll sell it and my other older one I used as a hatcher. They would be great for someone with a home thermostat, I'm sure.

Totally slipped on the ice this morning taking the garbage to the road... nice scrapes on my left hand fingers and my pride ;)

Happy Monday! Hope everyone's doing well! Now to clean out the chicken coop and put sand down. New thing I'm trying :)
Thanks. Well I'm just getting back into keeping chickens. I raised quite a few chickens, turkeys, and ducks when I was younger and in 4-h and after. I own a landscape and fence construction company and a nursery so I can be pretty busy in the summer so we'll have to see how well this goes. I have 60 acres w/ springs and creeks, timber, etc. and am starting to develope it for wildlife habitat with food plots and native fruiting plants and gamegird cover. My plan is to eventually raise some wild turkeys and different gamebirds to let go and increase their numbers around the area but I also want to keep a few pure breeds of chickens for conservation of the breed. So I am going to start with chickens while I develope my acreage.
Been gone for about a year it seems. So Hello again.

I've got an Australorp hen that keeps going all broody on me, so I ordered some silkie hatching eggs for her this week. Maybe I will have some easter chicks again this year.
Hi EnnisLakeFarm! Any Silver Fox litters planned? I'm gearing up to start my breeding cycle up for Spring :)

I just scraped all the crap out of the coop.... gross, man! These critters are lucky I love them so much! Now for the more detailed cleaning and spray down. Woohoo!
Oh they're doing well! Sleeping in the dog house :) I need to put a practice roost pole in for them. I will get new pics :)
RoyalT, here is a photo of the ACV with "the mother" that I found at WalMart -- a little over $5.00 for this bottle. What I read on doing the fermenting, I believe this is the brand that was mentioned to use.

I really want to try this but the only place warm enough is in the dining room & I don't wanna do it there..... so I am going to wait until the temperatures warm up alot to try. Hope that it works.

Glad that your pullets are doing ok! Are you guys having cold outside temps?
I haven't found Bragg ACV anywhere here in town =/ I'll have to see if I can order it online... All the crap I find is watered down nonsense :(

Let's see, we're getting into the upper teens at night and pushing 40 during the day right now. The chicks have done really well being outside. They cuddle, but they're surviving. I had them locked up in the stock trailer for over a week to make sure they could hack it, and now they're using the dogloo in the chicken/hay barn :)

Sadly, I'm thinking many of them are roosters... only time will tell since they're all so different- The only one I know is a pullet is my little Wheaten Am from Azriel's eggs :)

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