
Welcome PrairieRidge! What kinds of animals do you have?

Dang time change. It's already 10! Grr...

The new yak is a little stand-offish from the herd still, but in her defense, they are intimidating when they all go up to her at once. At least she isn't trying to let herself out of the pen :)

I'm going to need to look up how to make a duck box they'll WANT to lay in. For both the Buffs and the Muscovy... Anyone know any tips for getting free-range ducks to lay in a good place?
there is a gal who used to come on here, she is now on Facebook, her ducks are constantly laying in her pond lol. I had boxes made for my girls that are way big enough for a duck, my girls love the room .maybe put a big old box out where they congregate?
Are the yaks ok with the new girl? There sure cool looking !
I think I'll be looking for old dog houses on craigslist for the ducks. Seems easier than building them. I use dish pans (the big plastic ones) for my chicken nest boxes. They seem to like those, and they're super easy to clean :) My one duck laid her first eggs in the chicken boxes, but now she has friends, so I don't know... Her second clutch she laid in the stock trailer >.<

Yeah, the yaks are fine with Dany, she's still a little wary, and the neighbors across the creek let their llamas out, so that's adding some drama to their day haha!
Thanks ReptileMom, I'll look at those. My ducks do whatever they want. They sleep in the open in the yak pen in the summer, and are currently favoring the rabbit barn. I don't lock up any birds at night, but I may want to start to see who is laying...
When my husband let Penny, our dog, out to pee last night at about 11 pm, there was a skunk at the chicken coop. Penny dashed away after it! No amount of calling, yelling or offered bribe would stop her. Guess what we were doing at 12 am. Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dishsoap does work to neutralize skunk odor on a dog!!
Let them roll in the dirt!
MIL told me about their dog years ago getting sprayed. Said the dog just rolleed for the longest time outside and that got rid of the skunk smell.

I paniced for 5 seconds this morning. Thought I was going to be late for work then realized I was off today! LOL!
Chilling with my birds and checking our cows for signs of labor. And doing laundry.
Anyone here raise Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas? I picked up a beautiful young cockerel in Idaho 2 weeks ago and am in the market for a couple of girls, or eggs to hatch.
Welcome Prairie Ridge, its about time you got on here, how are your eggs doing??
ReptileMom, I raise Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, I don't have and started pullets right now, but will later this spring. I have eggs most of the time depending on the wims of the gals.
It looks like its going to be a nice day, I have to get out and fix fence- a never ending job, but I think we might be getting a new heifer this weekend, and I need to be sure she can't get out. My yearling steer calf has decided he likes it better at my neighbors place than here, so he's living there for now. At least I don't have to fix fence every night when I get home from work, and he's being a perfect angel over there, never trys to break their fences down. I've got the vet comming out to look at my bottle calf this afternoon, I really hope we don't have to put her down, but its looking like that might be the case. She still can not stand, or even get up on her own, and she is getting to heavy for me to lift. Of course I've gotten way to attached to her and will be heart broken if thats what we have to do.
Hope everyone has a great day
Sucks when you have to put one of your animals down Azriel. I had to put my Morgan gelding down a couple weeks ago. I know it was for the best but it still broke my heart.
I know fences are always needing to be done. Pretty nice up here right now. Hard to believe it snowed on Monday.

What type of heifer are you getting?

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