
I hope the vet has some ideas to help your bottle calf Azriel. I bet you have gotten attached to her. Fingers crossed for her!
I have some bottle baby goats right now and you do get attached to them when you put so much energy into keeping them alive.
We ended up having to put the calf down, she had some problems with her spine, and would have never been able to walk. I know it was the best for her, but I cried all afternoon, and of course now have a whopping headach. The vet knows someone that has some bottle calves, and that she could get me a healthy calf, but I'm not sure I'm ready for that right now.
The heifer we are looking at is a Shorthorn/Brown Swiss mix. She is 11 months now, so could be bred this fall. She is a pretty dark red, and would be a nice addition to our little herd.
Where are you located Azriel? Just wondering about ordering mail eggs of your Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas from you or if you are close enough to possibly just come get eggs from you.
When my husband let Penny, our dog, out to pee last night at about 11 pm, there was a skunk at the chicken coop. Penny dashed away after it! No amount of calling, yelling or offered bribe would stop her. Guess what we were doing at 12 am. Hydrogen peroxide, baking soda and dishsoap does work to neutralize skunk odor on a dog!!
how in the heck did the skunk get in there? And yuck on the smell of that on a dog. Glad you got the smell out, still chuckling lol.
Let them roll in the dirt!
MIL told me about their dog years ago getting sprayed. Said the dog just rolleed for the longest time outside and that got rid of the skunk smell.

I paniced for 5 seconds this morning. Thought I was going to be late for work then realized I was off today! LOL!
Chilling with my birds and checking our cows for signs of labor. And doing laundry. 
good to see you on here Christine , hope you had a great day off !
Welcome Prairie Ridge, its about time you got on here, how are your eggs doing??
ReptileMom, I raise Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucana, I don't have and started pullets right now, but will later this spring. I have eggs most of the time depending on the wims of the gals.
It looks like its going to be a nice day, I have to get out and fix fence- a never ending job, but I think we might be getting a new heifer this weekend, and I need to be sure she can't get out. My yearling steer calf has decided he likes it better at my neighbors place than here, so he's living there for now. At least I don't have to fix fence every night when I get home from work, and he's being a perfect angel over there, never trys to break their fences down. I've got the vet comming out to look at my bottle calf this afternoon, I really hope we don't have to put her down, but its looking like that might be the case. She still can not stand, or even get up on her own, and she is getting to heavy for me to lift. Of course I've gotten way to attached to her and will be heart broken if thats what we have to do.
Hope everyone has a great day
that's what mine right? I'm not sure what I got lol, I'm going to have to come soon and get them, just not sure when. I have had suck a bad week here and family drama, please be patient with me, I will try as soon as I can to get down to get my girls.
Funny your neighbors let you fellow stay there, kind of cute he likes it there, maybe he has a friend there? Lol I'm so sorry about your little calf, I feel real sad about putting her down, I hope you. Get a new one . Feel better hon, it's always so sad to loose a sweet pet. ( hugs )
Thanks Karla!
Been pretty busy between the job in town and now we are calving so busy here at home too!

Must admit it was pretty nice to not have to go to work for 2 days in a row. Haven't had that in a long time. Gotta be honest most I did yesterday was read a book and catch up on some laundry. Also checked the cows but that was just a nice walk.
So sorry about your calf, Azriel :( Better that you found out now than after pouring time and money into her, though. Some things just can't be fixed unfortunately. Your new prospect sounds promising! Would love to see pics of your herd sometime :)

Well, Dany (new yak) is fitting in just fine. I walked out this afternoon to check eggs and she was in the squeeze chute lead up!! With Ninja and Yinny, but still. So I ran around, closed the back gate and came to get my Hubby to help me catch her. She wiggled her way to the back of the threesome, so we worked the other girls first. They aren't blowing their down yet, so we didn't get much. Lots of guard hair shed, though- good for wigs for theater and such :) I even have a local Santa who wants me to make his beard sets!

So here she is in the chute:

These are some weird looking burs that she came with... We took off as many as we could.

They were basically everywhere on her under-side and legs.

We removed over half a Target sopping bag full!

Here's the standard head shot. Glamorous, no?

Her coat is SUPER thick, more than double our herd. It was COLD where she came from!

She even let us pet her head without much fight. She had never been in a chute before, so she initially flipped out a bit, but she's all good now :) Still standoffish in the pen, but I think she's coming around!
Where are you located Azriel? Just wondering about ordering mail eggs of your Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas from you or if you are close enough to possibly just come get eggs from you.
I'm near Roundup, could meet you in Billings if you ever get down that way.

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