
Its nice here, and I'm surprised as we were suposed to get snow. I want to bring my chickens home from you Azreil but right now I got no place to put them. I'm working on it. The guy who cheated me out of my money was returned to me by his mom, but I had to find someone else to build a new coop, he got to measuring and such and the next day he gave me the bill, ouch, then mom went down hill, tomorrow I may be taking her back to the hospital :(. She is 80 and it's been a real hard winter on her. She already spent a week in the hospital in the last 3 weeks. Dad is to old ( late 80s ) to care for chickens, so I told the gUy to forget the coop, i can not afford a coop if anything happens to my parents, and i have spent way to much money here lately. I need to save up to get my teeth fixed.I will put a nice insulated dog house at moms and my dog kennel. I used for the first year of my chickens and set 4 there, take the other girls home with me. I also got RIR coming from cackleberry coop so I'm going to be full. My girl is gone broody, I'm going to gather some eggs from you azriel if possible and let her hatch out some, get her used to hatching out .
With mom so sick, and dad pretty frail the chickens will come home with me in the fall , I will be able to tell who lays the best and then sell of the ones who do not.
Areil can you take some pics of my girls so I can show mom, maybe it will boost her mood. She is depressed here lately .
It's warming up, as soon as you think they will be ok in an unheated dog house I will come get them ok.
Where are you located Azriel? Just wondering about ordering mail eggs of your Wheaten/Blue Wheaten Ameraucanas from you or if you are close enough to possibly just come get eggs from you.
I'm heading her way in the next three weeks, I can drop you some on my way back. I go through Bozeman to get to meet her half way. If she has some and you need Em I can pick them up. Just let me know girls
Thanks Karla!
Been pretty busy between the job in town and now we are calving so busy here at home too!

Must admit it was pretty nice to not have to go to work for 2 days in a row. Haven't had that in a long time. Gotta be honest most I did yesterday was read a book and catch up on some laundry. Also checked the cows but that was just a nice walk.
I hear you, I took 5 days off to recoup and hated to go back to work . Laundry, ugh what a dirty word lol, I'm doing 4 loads tonight, getting it out of the way so I can sleep in tomorrow. Say, have you heard how my rusty is doing? That rooster was the sweetest boy ever. I hope he is doing well and making nice babies :)
So sorry about your calf, Azriel :( Better that you found out now than after pouring time and money into her, though. Some things just can't be fixed unfortunately. Your new prospect sounds promising! Would love to see pics of your herd sometime :) Well, Dany (new yak) is fitting in just fine. I walked out this afternoon to check eggs and she was in the squeeze chute lead up!! With Ninja and Yinny, but still. So I ran around, closed the back gate and came to get my Hubby to help me catch her. She wiggled her way to the back of the threesome, so we worked the other girls first. They aren't blowing their down yet, so we didn't get much. Lots of guard hair shed, though- good for wigs for theater and such :) I even have a local Santa who wants me to make his beard sets! So here she is in the chute: These are some weird looking burs that she came with... We took off as many as we could. They were basically everywhere on her under-side and legs. We removed over half a Target sopping bag full! Here's the standard head shot. Glamorous, no? Her coat is SUPER thick, more than double our herd. It was COLD where she came from! She even let us pet her head without much fight. She had never been in a chute before, so she initially flipped out a bit, but she's all good now :) Still standoffish in the pen, but I think she's coming around!
. She is so pretty. What an amazing animal. Did you find out what those spurs were on her? I can not wait to see you all get some good hair off her, do you shave her or pull it off ? She looks like she would make me a nice pair of gloves!
I'm near Roundup, could meet you in Billings if you ever get down that way.
when I come down I can pick her some eggs up, I'm hoping in the next three weeks. I got a girl going broody also lol. I can drive to billings and stay the night, then drive straight home after I meet you the next day, stop off in Bozeman and drop off eggs to her, then drive straight home. I have a nice big kennel to put in the back seat for the chickens ride home.
I think we've figured out what plant they came from. We had one in the back yard last year that our Shih Tzu loved on too much and got similar burs all in his fur. We let the sheep eat them!

The yaks are no-shear animals, we just comb them out to get their down :)

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